17. Prime

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|Prime's POV|

The meeting had finished and it was incredibly boring.

The only thing that it confirmed is that there would be a ball soon, afterall Signora was quite the over achiever.

I grabbed Y/n's arm and pulled them back into me, they were walking much too quick for my liking.

I saw their face redden and quickly explained my actions, but it didn't help that all of The Harbingers had begun to gossip.

And they all wonder why I like to stay in my lab.

It was then a strong grip found it's way onto my shoulder.

It seems someone is jealous.

"Y/n! How's working under Dottore treating you?" His voice irritated me, his attitude was bratty and his grip on my shoulder kept tightening.

"Lord Scaramouche." Y/n said with a bow, so well mannered, "Appologies for my ignorance, it's been treating me well. I trust everything is well?"

"Indeed it is, though it would be better with my favourite assistant by my side, I suppose beggars can't be choosers," He was putting on a show now and he could see that it annoyed me, it seemed everyone else was watching him intensly.

A quick thought caught my attention, at this point I had toned Scaramouche out, but he was still blabbering on.

"Dottore, please do something I don't know if he's been poisoned or something but this isn't like Scaramouche,"

Even in their thoughts, they sounded like they were about to cry, I couldn't bare to see them like that, even if I hated the thought of them thinking of Scaramouche highly, it was unfair to have them listen to The Balladeer's rants.

"Scaramouche, I thought you could handle your firewater better than this," I summoned a handful of agents to my side, "Perhaps my agents here can sober you up" I said.

I didn't expect for this process to feel like this. These are... unexpected circumstances.

Then an irritating laugh found its way into my ears, "Something funny Childe?" The boy was pushing his luck. The way he straightened up as I questioned him told he knew that as well as I did.

"Y/n I'll meet you in the lab. Pulcinella, may I have a word?"

He was good with dealing with emotions. Which is perfect for my current perdicament. I don't like how quick these... feelings, have developed.

Pulcinella nodded and gestured for me to follow him, I supposed I woukd have to catch up with Y/n later.

For now, I have research to do.



we are nearly at 2k reads so i might do smth special for that 😋


nyways as all ways i hope u all enjoyed love you all take care and if u havent got get a drink and some snacks <3

Your love will be the death of me [Dottore x gn!reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang