"just for today right?" amaury had other plans in mind, he was the best so why was he stuck with supervising rookies?

"that's just something you'll need to learn to do as a director" selim says,

the director was someone who overlooks everything and everyone regardless of what they wanted to do, amaury felt like he was back in med school.

the group of trainees weren't complaining, they were being trained by the best.

"hi! dr.clermont, we're happy to be in your care" a very cheery nurse practitioner in training welcomes amaury.

"thank you. i look forward to our cooperation" amaury gives a courteous nod, before following selim to the next step in the project.

"and these are the b.o.d, you'll want to win over their trust is key" selim says in a low audible tone, which amaury nods making a mental note.

marseille, france.

little aurie still wasn't happy without her dad, she was just too used to having her dad by her side.

she wanted to be a big girl and not miss her daddy too much, but it was getting harder.

sure she had her nanny, her uncle, and friends but none of them would measure up to her daddy.

it's already been a full week without her father, and she wasn't sure she could make it any longer, but the child soon learns to hide her emotions.

she felt bad for the workers, she wanted them to know what they are doing is good, and that she was happy to be in their care.

she has become closer with rue than before; the girl did everything with her, and suddenly the thought of not seeing her dad didn't make her sad.

the little girl continues to perform well in school, and celine always is her partner in school, which makes the other students jealous since they also wanted to be partners with aurelia.

rue looks to the child's room, and sees that it needs some cleaning, so she cleans it, and since aurie doesn't sleep in her own room anymore, suddenly rue is now in amaury's room everyday.

the entire room smells of him, the black interior walls and modernized lighting made his room look so mysterious yet comfortable at the same time.

little aurie had claimed her father's room.

The nanny just found the child so adorable.

eventually there had been mail that came in, exclusively for little aurie to read.

"oh, it's from your daddy" rue exclaims, which the little girl is eager to see what her daddy wrote,

« aurie are you being a good girl to your nanny? and, you'll really love being here, I've attached some photos of where I am. i love you baby • 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚢 »

"ah, how cute!" the nanny gushes, and aurie is excited to see the photographs, her father had been standing in front of a really pretty college, and another photo contains the hospital he was working at.

the routine for the household was normal, the same old constant moving.

"rue! I want to have a sleepover at celines'" the little girl says excitedly, little aurie already kept a journal counting the days until her daddy is back, since it was the only thing that made her want to do well in school.

"okay, that sounds fine. should we start packing?" rue asks, and the two of them begin to pack.

"need this, and this" aurelia mumbles to herself as she throws most of her dad's sweatshirt, and shirts in the little backpack.

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