Unique Chapter

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One thing that Octavian thought he had learnt along the years was to be a good person.

When it comes to be a good person, no one has 'the' recipe.

Some people say you have to be generous, and humble. Some people would tell you you have to be helpful, without them asking. Some others would say you had to search for peace and balance.

Octavian thought he was a good person because he was supportive.

Sure, in the beginning, stop being self-centred and selfish was a huge task itself, but with time, support- and some grumbling included, why denying it -from others, he managed to do it. And now, he is able to return that support back.

He actually went to presentations, concerts, graduations and even lent a hand if anyone needed help. With time, it had become easier and he enjoyed it. But, while to some of them he would still go grumbling under his breath and wishing for some sleep- especially those who love to have their things at dawn -, there was one person who he would never complain to or say anything against it.

"Look, Ian! They're selling the concert tickets!" Octavian internally rolled his eyes but nodded while his girlfriend, Rachel Dare, was jumping in her spot, as excited as a puppy by the news. 'Oh, I have to get some tickets! Who knows when we'll see them again?!"

"We?" Octavian couldn't stop himself from asking before biting his tongue. Rachel looked at him as if he was crazy.

"Yeah, me and Will! You know how much he enjoys their music!"

Part of Octavian's brain was frozen to the fact that his girlfriend would prefer to spend time with his pseudo-brother than him, but he brushed it off. Will Solace enjoyed music more than he did, so it was a natural choice for her to choose him. Plus, Will was dating Nico di Angelo, so it wasn't as if she was cheating him right under his nose.

"Do you want me to buy you the tickets?" Rachel now did openly stared at him before frowning softly.

"I wasn't saying it for you to buy them for me, Ian..." Rachel pointed out, but Octavian simply smiled at her.

"I'm offering." Rachel looked at him, rather skeptical about the situation.

"...only if they are not very expensive." She agreed, gently. Octavian nodded and kissed her forehead before they continued their walk.

It was just a couple of concert tickets, right?

What was wrong with that?


Turns out, there was something wrong with the concert.

After seeing the posters from it, Rachel had not mentioned it again and to be honest, Octavian had forgotten about it until the end of the week when he managed to buy the tickets at a good price. Rachel had smiled and hugged him tight as a 'thank you' and he felt he had accomplished something great.

Time passed. Rachel didn't mentioned the concert again and life went on.

That was until the week prior to the concert.

"...and we got so lucky that we got tickets for that day! You have to thank Ian later, Will!" Octavian heard as soon as he crossed the door of their apartment after work one day. He frowned, thinking Will was giving a hard time to his girlfriend because of the tickets but the next sentence made by Will froze in the spot.

"It was destiny, sis! It's a lifetime opportunity! It was announced yesterday! You get to see your idol for this one time before he goes away!"

Octavian closed his eyes and walked to their bedroom, throwing himself on the bed. He just had exciting news to share but that would now be overshadowed by the fact his girlfriend's idol- who he didn't even want to name in his thoughts -was going to appear at the concert that he was about his girlfriend to skip.

He was wallowing in his thoughts, not hearing the rest of the conversation but he knew it was over when a hand brushed his dirty blonde hair.

"You didn't even say hello before... everything alright?" Rachel questioned him gently, knowing he didn't like to be pushed.

"...yeah, everything great." Lie.

"Why don't you take a shower and then we have dinner?" He could hear the excitement in her voice, she wanted to share the news and was containing herself. Octavian sighed and nodded, heading for the shower.

It was going to be a long week.


In the end, Octavian didn't tell his girlfriend about his news, the party where he would get his promotion after months of work.

Instead, he had to hear her gushing and swooning about her idol all week and how 'it would be a historical event having those artists on stage before they went away for a while', before sighing and carrying on with her day.

And Octavian couldn't hide it.

He was jealous. And petty.

He wanted all the attention of girlfriend to himself on his special day, was that wrong?

So, the day of the concert, he got up, dressed for work and wished his girlfriend a great day, as they wouldn't be seeing each other until the next day. Rachel smiled, hugged and kissed him before going on with her day.

His coworkers noticed how grumpy he was that day, despite the upcoming promotion, and decided not to annoy him further.

The day dragged and sooner than later, was the party.

Octavian didn't even bothered to go change, what was the point. He just stood there, smiling falsely to the people he didn't know but had come to congratulate him. He would constantly look at the door, as if by some miracle, Rachel would appear out of thin air.

Time passed and she was nowhere to be seen. As Octavian expected, since she didn't know about this party- he didn't even tell her.

"And now!" Everyone's attention was on Octavian's boss, who had taken the stage and microphone to talk. "One of the reasons for tonight was to congratulate and reward one of our more hardworking people! Octavian, come up here!" Applauses were heard and Octavian had no other option but to go up on stage. "Tonight, we also celebrate you and your achievements! Congratulations!" The crowd cheered and Octavian bowed in thanks.

And it was when he saw it.

Right in front and centre, was Rachel standing there with a big smile and cheering for him. Octavian blinked, thinking he was imagining it but she was still there, in a dress suit, her bouncy red curls around her freckled face and her sparkling green eyes looking at him. He immediately got off stage and hugged her tight.

"I should kill you for not letting me know about this!" She scolded him in his ear, not wanting everyone else to hear.

"But... the concert? The lifetime opportunity?" Rachel stared at him as if he was crazy.

"Octavian, concerts come and go and I'd have plenty of changes in the future... today, and always, you're more important." Octavian didn't even resist before kissing her softly, earning a lot of shouts and catcalls from his coworkers. Rachel hid herself on his chest, smiling softly.

"How about we ditch and have a home celebration?"

"Oh, you don't want to disappoint your number one fan, right?"


Good morning / afternoon / night, everyone.

First of all, I want to say sorry for not writing so often and being M.I.A. for several months- maybe years. Life- read, work and university because I'm the only stupid who decides to study to use her time 'wisely' during pandemic lockdown -and lack of inspiration were- and still are -a small constant. I barely have time to read your comments and messages- I don't know how they keep coming, even when I don't have time to reply to them, they bright and cheer my day, you have no idea. So, thank you so much!

However, I whipped this out of my brain for my bestie AgentOfAngst's birthday! I hope you enjoy it and have a great birthday!

I'll see you all as soon as I have inspiration, but remember, I don't forget you!
xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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