Chapter 25: Railroad, Meet the General

Start from the beginning

After wrapping them with some cloth, Mason placed the stimpaks into Heather's bag, trusting her to keep them safe.

"You guys ready?" Mason questioned as he stepped back into the armor, it closing with him inside.

"Sure thing, partner," Heather said, smiling.

"Time to hit the road."

Turning back towards Goodniehgbor, they headed back the way they came before reaching the stairs that lead to Faneuil Hall. Heading towards the building, Mason stopped as he noticed a Super Mutant with a hound nearby.

"Heather, how many you see?" Mason asked, seeing her already scouting the place with binoculars.

"A few muties, I'd say eight. And two hounds. One of the mutant's has a launcher."

"Where's the one with the launcher?"

"On the scaffolding to the left."

Having a more clear picture now, Mason thought of a plan.

"Heather, Piper, you go right with Dogmeat. Don't try to circle around, find some cover while I go left and draw their attention."

"That missile'll tear through your armor," Piper remarked, making Mason sigh.

"Depends on the angle. Besides, too fast in armor and the mutants are too big for him to get a clear shot."

"Reckless. I like it."

Getting ready, Mason waited for Heather and Piper to find a spot with Dogmeat.

"Five near the front, three on the scaffolding. And two hounds accompanying the five. Seems easy enough," Mason remarked, annoyed by the fight that was about to occur. He knew most people were afraid of these people, but to him, they weren't all that much. While they were strong, it seemed they were at peak human strength. Something he'd reach when he was twenty-one. Not his words, but his Staff Sergeants.

Upon seeing Piper get in cover with Heather, Mason took a deep breath.

"Time to get work," Mason muttered, before charging forward.

"Die, human!" a Super Mutant yelled as it saw him, alerting the others that had yet to do so.

"Not today, morceaux de merde," Mason taunted, a Super Mutant coming at him with a board. As he charged, the skirmisher with a launcher fired a missile, aiming for Mason. As the missile neared him, Mason spun to avoid it, the projectile narrowly avoiding his chest plate as he kept moving forward. As he turned back forward, he slammed his shoulder into one of the mutants, sending it back as it tried to hold its footing.

"Come on, baiseuses!" Mason yelled, the Super Mutants roaring at him. "That can't be all you chattes got!"

Uppercutting the nearest one, Mason stepped back as the one with a board tried to swing at him, leading the Mutants from the side to the front of the building.

"I'll eat your brain and drink your blood!"

"Might make you smarter," Mason remarked as he kicked a Mutant in the shin, pushing himself back even further as their leg broke.

"Aaaaiiiieeee!!" the Mutant roared, grabbing its leg as it fell onto its rear, screaming in pain. "Get away! Get away!"

"Shouldn't charge recklessly," Mason stated, catching another Super Mutants arm as they swung, using his free hand to grab its leg and swing him into the air.

"Stupid human!" the Mutant roared.

"Here... you... go!" Mason grunted, throwing the Super Mutant back, a missile from the Skirmisher hitting it.

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