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'I'm hearing the news about Professor Richard's wedding, is it for real?' Raymond asked as he reached his regular dining table in the buffet hall, he was in his Jersey with a towel hanging over his neck which he uses to wipe off his sweat.

 'Yeah, it is' Clint answered dragging Raymond down to sit on a seat beside him and started eating.

 'He finally decided to get married' Raymond said

'After living for a thousand years maybe he wants a partner' Clint said

'Where is Asher?' Clint asked looking around the buffet hall and not seeing the person he was asking about.

'He hasn't been back since he went out to hunt for lunch' a voice answered, it came from the person who have been silently seating with them with a book covering his face, Sean. Sean lifted his head from the book to answer them. 

'Are you sure he isn't in the mansion?' Clint asked 

'I don't know, I've been in the library all day' Sean answered moving his head back to his book 

'I don't know too, I was playing basketball with the pack' Raymond answered when he saw Clint glaring at him for answers.

'Oh, he's here' Raymond said nodding his head in the direction of a person who was walking towards them.

'So you've been hunting all day?' Clint asked the person who just sat down beside him. They say on a table which was surrounded with four chairs.

'Stop questioning him, by the way Sean, what are you eating?' Raymond asked standing up from his seat 'Just pineapple pizza' Sean answered without lifting his head from his book

'Asher? Don't worry I would just get you five blood bags' Raymond said quickly as he saw Asher face expression that says "Stupid question".

Asher was staring at Clint as if the answers he seeks are on his face while Clint ate without noticing. As Clint chewed Asher stared waiting for a dimple to show but he got nothing. 'Clint, did you follow me when I went to hunt for lunch?' Asher asked as he leaned on the table. 

'Why would I do that I got better things to do' Clint replied turning his head to see him and glared at him.

'You smell like animal is that what you got lunch?' Clint asked as he sniffed Asher a bit and chuckled

'Not only animal also human, it was a nice' Asher said thinking to him what he saw during his hunt, someone that looked like Clint.

Asher wanted to sniff Clint to confirm what he saw in the woods so he leaned on Clint's chair and sniff. "They smell the similar and not the same at the same time" Asher thought to himself.

'I hope you aren't having me for dinner on my own birthday' Clint jokes and Asher leaned back into his own chair. 

'I got your orders' Raymond announced as he reached their table with their orders in his hands, he distributed them and sat on his seat to eat his dinner. Clint turned to his friends who were all silently consuming their meal he got fed up of keeping his question to himself.

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