Chapter One: Lucius and Narcissa

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Malfoy Manor
Wiltshire, England
Date: Saturday, 1st of October 2022

"With my whole heart
for my whole life,"

"May I ask why you waited so long to remarry?"

Narcissa Malfoy stared through the looking glass to make eye contact with her daughter. Ara's dark eyes stared back at her, craving an answer. She turned in her seat to have more contact with her, shooing away Mipsy in the process.

"I'll finish up. Thank you Mipsy," Jenna smiled at her mother's warm compliments to the house elf. It reminded her of how far she'd come since their first meeting.

Narcissa walked over to where Jenna sat on her bed and took her hands in her own. She gripped them tightly to gain her attention and loosened when Jenna stared up at her.

"October 1st was the first day I ever laid eyes on your father. I remember seeing him on the Hogwarts express and thinking about how handsome he looked. My best friend at the time leaned in and whispered that it wouldn't happen. Lucius Malfoy was a year ahead of and would never pay attention to a silly first year,"

"If only she could see you now." Jenna shook her head. "Twenty-six years and four kids later, I would say you proved her wrong, mother,"

She stood from the bed and grabbed the pallet of makeup from her mother's vanity. The weight of it shocked her at first. Then, she remembered who she was related to and that this was most likely the best makeup the Wizarding World had to offer.

"What happened next?" Narcissa blushed as Jenna started her makeup. "Oh, don't tell me if it gets graphic," she held in a gag. It's nice to see your parents in love, but no one ever wants to know how much they love one another.

"Just like you said, darling. I proved her wrong. That December, two months after our first meeting, Lucius Malfoy was mine. The rest is history,"

"Is your first meeting a secret between the two of you?"

"Of course. What kind of people would be if we didn't have some secrets we kept to ourselves?"

  Jenna laughed at her mother's explanation and reached for the curling wand. She couldn't express her shock after she saw it for the first time. Narcissa Malfoy owned a muggle hair tool; the world would go crazy to find out!

  Her mother watched silently in the mirror as she focused on curling her shiny blonde hair. They never got to experience this while Jenna grew up. Narcissa never got her ready for balls or dealt with grown-up conversations as she got ready for an outing.

"We have time to make up for it, mom. I promise," Jenna swore out of nowhere.

"What have I told you about doing that?!"

"You make it so easy. Now, keep your head straight. I have to make sure both sides of your head are curled the same way,"

"You should be lucky that you're the one hold the hot tool,"

"Don't threaten me, Narcissa Black. You will walk down that aisle with half-curled hair. Don't think I won't do it,"

"I have my own wand, Arabella," Narcissa said, rolling her eyes at her dramatic daughter. Her children's flare for the dramatics came from the Malfoys. There was no hiding it.

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