"Okay, so here's the deal. Uh...If you were either of the girls that we were with last night......tell us the  of the four most-listened-to  on your playlist. and what the ring looked like"Mason proposed and the entire girl population in our class began to squeal

"Thanks, mystery girls. we'll be waiting."Joey finished off

I looked back over to mary to see her head in her hands

We shouldn't have gone to the damn ball


It was now lunch, we walked down the stairs and glanced at the line formed behind the table which seated mason joey, and Dustin

"Oh, my gosh. They weren't kidding." mary wined with wide eyes as she glanced down the stairs

"Go down and tell them it was you before someone starts a riot, "Tami told us

"Forget it, Tami, "I told her continuing to walk down the steps avoiding all contact with them

They said last night was one of the best  of their lives

"Yeah. until they find out it was us."Mary protested

"yeah exactly, they'll never take us seriously especially since we work for Dominique they'll just think we're trying g to get her a business deal," I told Tami and mary nodded along with me in agreement


"Stop  there. Oh, look at you,  all innocent."The twins stopped us as soon as we stepped through the door

"What are talking you  about?"I asked with a roll of my eyes

" We know," Britt said

"What?"Mary asked

-It was you two at the ball. With Joey and mason

"You guys are crazy," Mary said as we began to reload the refrigerator and cabinets with food I chuckled in the fakest way possible

"No, you're crazy..if you think we'll let you end with mason and Joey, Missstalker Face." britt threatened

"And if you tell him it was you...this  will be everywhere. Hello, YouTube."Bree said holding the tape in her hands

"You barely know how to work the toaster, let alone YouTube." mary told them laughing

"Well, try us. Now, go make the lamb chops. Mother's very hungry." britt commanded before walking away

"I hate them so much," mary said

"me too sister. mee too" I nodded before handing mary the ingredients for the lamb chops


"How dare they hold that tape  you? You were 11," Tami said harshly shoving her spoon into her ice cream carton as we sat inside her van

What do we do? we don't want them to think we're little Miss 1 and 2 Stalker.

You and Mason connected on that stage, and mary you and joey connected on that dance floor. Even if they see the tape, they're not   you're a  stalker. hope.

"I feel nauseous," Mary said digging more into her ice cream

"It's showtime. You can do this."Tami encouraged us

"We can do it, "i told her

" Yeah." she agreed to nod her head

"Okay," Tami said nodding too

" Wait, let's go get some food." mary proposed not wanting to level the car

"No."Tami denied,ushering us from the car and over to the boys

"Joey? Mason?"Mary said as we walked up to them

"Yeah,"they responded turning around

"Hey clover what up?" mason asked recognising me

"umm yeah. uhh we have something important to tell you two"

"wait. you work for Dominique right" Joey asked looking over at mary

- What? No, no, that's..."Mary denied

You had shrimp in your hair.

Well, no. No, I mean, yes, that was me, but that's not what I  to tell you.

"that's not important" I began but joey cut me off

"Dominique is relentless. first, britt then Bree,  and now them"Joey complained looking over to mason

"Look, we're for somebody and we don't have the time  now to talk."He finished

"wait, but you don't understand-"mary began but I cut her off sensing that Joey wasn't willing to hear us out while mason just looked confused

"Mary come on. It's not worth it"I told her grabbing her arm seeing the hurt expression on her face, and walking away but not before sending a glare over their way as they got into their car

"I told you,"Mary told Tami as we approached the van

"Oh, my God. Did he blow you off?"Tami asked in disbelief

"People like me don't belong with  him anyway. Whatever "Mary said as we both got into the car. Her with a sad expression me with an angry one.

He wouldn't even hear her out. And mason didn't even understand what was happening

"Damn."Tami cursed in annoyance


"Clover, I need you to finalize the menu for the girls' party. And have Dr. Woo move up my high  to this afternoon. I'm  blocked. Have your sisters moved up too."I hear Dominique scream o the intercom and I clicked the button to respond

"what else do I have to live for"

"That's the spirit"



honest I want mason to blow them off in the scene like joey does cause that's always pissed em off.so I just make him as confused as always.Next chapter s when they find out sooo

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