"Thanks, I'll see you out there" She turned to walk out but he stopped her.

"Lie I'm-" Before he could say anything else Fanboy came rushing in.

"Guys the admirals are watching this one and we're all waiting on you guys" He looked between the two oddly confused and Olivia separated herself from rooster and nodded.

"We'll be out there" He nodded and walked on out, Bradley looked at her and she thought he'd continue what he was going to say.

"I guess we better go" he held the door open and Olivia's face dropped but she choose to walk out that door and head onto the tarmac confused on what he wanted to say. They both went their separate ways to get into their Jets and begin the training. While up in the air they all took turns to run the simulation as if they were on the real mission, their jest flying past the ground and despite it somewhat straight they had to mock every twist and turn pulling such high speed and force.

"Guys the target in one minute and thirty we are two seconds behind increase to 480 knots" BOB alerted Phoneix and she quickly let coyote know to get going.
"We gotta move Coyote"
"Copy increasing speed" when Phoenix did so Coyote slowed down and he nearly collided with Phoenix causing him to have to ascend and become a clear target for the missiles olivia called them off of the simulation and to debrief.

"Why are they dead" Maverick approached the students that sat in front of them.

"We broke the 300ft ceiling the Sam took us out"Olivia and Maverick both shook their heads at them causing them to be confused.

"Why. Are. They. Dead" Maverick looked directly at Coyote for a response

"I slowed down and I didn't give her a warning it's my fault" Oliviastood up and walked towards the front.

"Was there a reason you didn't communicate with your team?"Olivia gave him a questioning look wanting to understand why he did what he did.

"I was focusing on-"

"One that their family's will accept at the funeral" Coyote sat back and realized what she was getting at.

"None ma'am" Olivia turned to face Phoenix.

"Why didn't you anticipate the turn, you were briefed on the terrain" She was going to speak but Olivia interrupted her before she could.

"Don't tell me, tell that to his family" The room felt cold everyone feeling nervous to go up and be judged critically by Maverick and ACE.

"Alright next group go up" Maverick concluded the session to watch the next ones up. The next group was Hangman, Payback and Fanboy Olivia was worried of how'd they work together considering not knowing each other quite well.

"Hangman ease up the canyons getting tighter"

"Negative payback increase SPEED" Olivia shook her head at the orders Hangman gave to Payback not liking where it was all going.


"We'll no harm in being ahead of schedule"
"Damnit slow down I can't stay on the course" Then beeping was heard from the system and fanboy immediately yelled out.

"Ahh you're gonna HIT THE WALL, WATCH OUT WATCH OUT WATCH OUT!" Olivia went onto comma ordering them all to come back to base for a further debrief on their run of the course. Maverick and Olivia had worried faces due to the fact that it was possible that they weren't ready for this mission and they certainly had no time for mistakes.

"What happened" Maverick looked at Hangman his words seemed like a question but what more of a statement.

"Well I flew as fast as i could...kinda like my ass depended on it" Olivia shook her head completely hating how cockey Jake was. She glared at him and he shot her a smile and she so badly wanted to flip him off but before she could say something a voice interrupted her.

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