(Memories) Utah x Nevada

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sorry, I haven't posted nothin in a while, anyways here you go.


Currently, Gov was holding a meeting and it was something about the change in the weather and nobody really even cared. The southern states were arguing about college football, the northeast was cursing at each other, the midwest was either asleep or secretly on their phones, and each state from the west was doing their own thing but Utah. Utah was thinking, specifically about him and Nevada and he suddenly got an Idea. What if they revisited where they first became boyfriends?

Utah smiled at the thought and started mapping it out in his head. Utah was the first to ask Nevada to be his boyfriend. It all began when Utah invited Nevada to a very beautiful park. Quiet and peaceful. There was a trail that Utah knew by heart. They had walked along admiring nature and everything until Utah walked Nevada to a field full of big sagebrush, Nevada's state flower. Utah had picked some up off the ground, gave it to him, and asked him to be his boyfriend and they'd been really happy since that day.

When Utah snapped back into reality when he saw every leaving the meeting, he immediately went to his boyfriend's room and knocked on the door. A muffled "come in!" rang through the door and Utah opened it to see Nevada on the bed with his phone on his chest. "Oh, hey Utah! What do you need?" Nevada spoke with a smile on his face. "You busy?" Utah asked patiently while smiling back, "No why?" Nevada responded.

"Well...I was thinking we should revisit the place we became boyfriends at. Y'know, that beautiful garden." Utah said a little red and scratching his neck. Nevada smirked and ran over to him and hugged him and kissed him on the cheek a couple of times. "Yup! Let's go!" Nevada said as he ran to the door. Utah shook his head and smiled.

What am I going to do with him?


sorry it's short but I didn't know what else to write after that

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