"didn't we agree to keep our hookups separate from work?"

beomgyu almost squirmed. playing asleep around taehyun proved to be much harder than he thought. he then heard yeonjun clear his throat in an attempt to hide a choke.

"my god, tyun- it's nothing like that."

"right," taehyun said, clearly unconvinced. "but you still got him involved, hyung. i'm not sure if you know this but we are a classified group with police on our tail. we can't just have outsiders enter the hideout."

"obviously," yeonjun sighed, rolling his eyes. he should've expected taehyun to be extra wary. "but he isn't an outsider. think of him as my client, he's paying me for this."

"for what? putting his life in danger?"

"no," yeonjun groaned, "i'm his... tour guide. we've made a deal, and i agreed to show him around daegu."

"i don't recall you offering tour guide services," taehyun pointed out, sounding dubious.

"you would too if ten grand was on the line," said yeonjun, and beomgyu could hear the smirk in his voice.

yes, he knew he offered the deal in the first place, but the words still felt cold. it wasn't surprising though, money was always on the line, lingering behind every one of yeonjun's actions. he wondered if saving beomgyu was part of it, or if helping him with a panic attack came with additional costs. maybe, whatever relationship he's built with yeonjun wasn't all that authentic. he was just going along with beomgyu's antics because he knew that there'll be a paycheck at the end of the line.

"dollars?" asked taehyun, and yeonjun hummed. "isn't that a little too much for a tour guide?"

"who knows. and don't worry about him, i'll make sure he won't sneak into anything private," yeonjun assured, before adding "which i doubt he would do, he's too nice."

"too nice, huh?" teased taehyun, and a second later beomgyu heard a yelp. yeonjun must've pinched him.

"alright, he's all yours," surrendered taehyun, finally pulling the car to a stop. beomgyu heard the two men gather their things and get out, but he was still too scared to open his eyes in case they'd know somehow that he'd been listening.

he heard some faint whispers outside before the back door opened softly. he mentally prepared to act startled, but none of that was needed when he felt a pair of hands at his sides, pulling him up. beomgyu would've protested if he didn't know who these hands belonged to, but feeling the cold silver and callused fingers on his skin was enough to tell him he was safe.

yeonjun took the boy into his arms, one hand carefully supporting his back and the other curved under his knees. beomgyu's head lolled naturally into his neck, smelling the smokey spice of cigarettes that he'd never seen him with and a pinch of saccharine zest which reminded beomgyu of strawberry baskets. he wondered how yeonjun managed to smell good, even after their tedious excursions. the two of them could still use a shower though.

yeonjun began walking, taehyun's footsteps following closely behind. he couldn't believe he was actually being carried by yeonjun, who clutched him so close to his chest that beomgyu could practically hear his heartbeat. he could only hope that yeonjun couldn't hear his, which was a bit too fast than considered normal.  

they entered the lobby soon enough, and beomgyu unconsciously nuzzled further into yeonjun's shoulder, trying to escape the lights that were seeping through his eyes.

"client, huh?" said taehyun, side-eyeing him.

yeonjun could only hiss in response. "shut the fuck up. he's sleeping."

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