Legends Chronicles - Alucard

Start from the beginning

Lunox: "This show is my utmost favourite!"

Alucard: "Of course. Every girl likes him."

Wren: "Today, I really want to start the episode with some spectacular opening line, because we're talking about a really special person - the Lightborn's posterboy himself. He is pretty much in every warfare, lore and campaigns of Land of Dawn; and even when he is not.. he still kind of is."

Alucard: "He made an episode on Tigreal?"

Lunox: "Tigreal isn't the one he is talking about."

Wren: "But for some reason I just couldn't think of anything quite fitting enough to introduce this absolute legend. Just to be clear though, I am not talking about the Captain of Light's order. I am talking about the Fiery inferno, the Pistácie Lone Hero, the Ace Demon Hunter; but most importantly, the Lightning blade of JUSTICE.... or is he?"

Alucard: *blank stare at Lunox*

Lunox: *cheerful smile* "Yes! It's an episode about you!"

Alucard: "Neat."

Wren: "To answer this question, me and my team wandered in the streets of Lumina, asking every Pedestrian one same question:
'What do you think Alucard Zasteria is?'

There were so many interesting responses, I thought the best way to showcase it would be a compilation."

Alucard: "Okay, I would have known if something like this had happened. Or was I so lost in my own world-"

Lunox: "This episode is from future, so don't be a worrywart."

Alucard: "-That explains so many things."

*Compilation start*

Lapu Lapu: "He is a Soldier."
Interviewer: "Not a knight?"
Lapu Lapu: "He doesn't feel like a knight to me."

Lunox: "Was that a praise or an insult?"

Alucard: "That's a backhanded compliment. But he is wrong."

Clint: "He is a Cowboy."
Interviewer: "But doesn't he uses a sword?"
Clint: "He is a Cowboy with a sword."

Saber: "A Samurai."
Interviewer: "Samurai?"
Saber: "Yes."

Jawhead: *beep boop beep boop*
Ellie: "Yes Jawhead is right."
Interviewer: "O-okay??"

Alucard: "I am starting to feel bad for the interviewer."

Lunox: "You certainly are known by many names."

Alucard: "Yeah beep boop is a good name."

Natalia: "A terribly complicated Man."

Fanny: "As simple as a guy you will ever meet."

Lesley: "A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma."
Interviewer: "What?"
Lesley: "Exactly."

Dryothh: "A Bonafide son of a bitch."

Alucard: "Who is this guy?"

Lunox: "I believe he is the Abyss Prince."

Alucard: "That's Dyrothh!?"

Layla: "An amazing big bro."

Roger: "A diligent son."

Julian: "A killer."

Miya: "A Helluva Kisser."
Interviewer: "Woah, I didn't know Sir Striker was a flirt."
Miya: "Oh please, I slept with him 25 times."

Alucard: "That's a lie!! We only laid like 5 times-"

Lunox: *Intensely Blushing*

Alucard: *embarrassed*

Granger: "A Hypocrite."

Zilong: "A man with a soul of a beast."

Xavier: "A hero of justice. Even if he himself would never admit it."

Alucard: "....."

Lunox: "Something wrong?"

Alucard: "Nope."

Claude: "An unexpected vigilante, you definitely don't want to be his target."

Cecilion: "The fiercest of enemies."

Harith: "A leader and a damn good one. Even if he doesn't realise it."

Carmilla: "The sacriest man I have ever met. And I have literally slept with the devil."

Melissa: "The second toughest Arbiter I know."

Gusion: "A thoroughly untrustworthy fella who I'd trust my life any day of the week."

Alucard: *gives a small smile*

Lunox: "I knew you would enjoy this."

Alucard: "I don't know about that."

Odette: "A worse swimmer. Certainly don't want him to save you from drowning."

Kimmy: "A bit of a Jerk."

Lancelot: "A damn card cheat. I don't care what he says."

Alucard: "Says who."

Lunox: "Who?"

Alucard: "Oh my goddessss."

Natan: "A predictably unpredictable anomaly."

Rafaela: "A man carrying a huge responsibility."

Estes: "....Indeed. A man who always will be responsible for every tempest around him."

Alucard: "Well I take responsibility instead of sealing myself somewhere."

Lunox: *guilty* "I did not wanted to seal my-"

Alucard: "Sorry Lunox! I wasn't talking about you!"

Benedetta: "A man who walks his own path and walks it well."

Valentina: "A warthhog. He smells exactly like a warthog."

Lunox: "You do smell. You should take bath more often."

Alucard: "Oh, well eeexxxccuuussseeeee mmeeee princess."

Ruby: "I don't know that I'll ever get married. Because every time I meet a man, I can't help comparing them to him.
And there's just no chance in hell they can ever measure up."

Silvanna: "He has never told me his childhood. To my knowledge, he has never told anyone. But it's obvious there is a great tragedy there. He is, in general, a very sad and tragic man. Yet one who loves life.
A man who is used to taking life and to having it taken from him knows better than anyone the True value of living."

Tigreal: "He's the man I know better than pretty much any other man Alive. But I'll be damned if he doesn't still have the ability to surprise me. And not always in a good way.


Alucard: "That's enough for today. I had whiplash of every emotions in just first five minutes as such a degree that I am afraid of what might come next."

Lunox: *Casts a healing magic on Alucard* "Does this helps?"

Alucard: "Yeah, kind of.. How about we go on a family picnic. I have many sandwiches in my fridge."

Lunox: "That's a wonderful idea!!!"

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