XI- Ghost

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For the same person again (IT WONT LET ME TAG YOU)

Andrea Macasaet x Samantha Pauly

A little Halloween one for you lot (aka the two people who actually read this 😂). This is a strange one, bare with me.

CW: Suicide, death, ghosts, all that Jazz

"I dibs this room!" Samantha Pauly heard her friend Brittney call from upstairs.
"I don't even know which room that is." Sam sighed, running up the stairs to check the bedrooms available. Naturally Britt had chosen the bigger one.
"No fair, I'm taller so I need more space." groaned Sam.
"But that other room gives me weird vibes, so tough shit." Britt stuck her tongue out at Sam and dumped her first box inside. Sam rolled her eyes and went to retrieve her first box of belongings from the downstairs corridor.

Peering into the room that Britt had told her was hers, Sam almost dropped the box. Standing on the balcony was a girl, perhaps a woman? Facing towards the darkening city, she was about the same height as Britt (so not very tall) and had long flowing black hair trailing down her back, unaffected by the spring breeze outside.
Sam frowned, placing the box down and running to Britt.
"Britt, there's a girl on my balcony." She murmured, momentarily glancing back at the unmoving figure.
"No there's not, you're going insane." Britt rolled her eyes and flicked her. "Are you that homesick already?"
"No, come see." Sam pulled Britt into her room and pointed indignantly in the direction of the girl, but she was gone. "Seriously?"

Opening the balcony doors, she peered around. There was no way that girl could have disappeared in that time.
"Sam, go to bed." Britt pushed her towards the double bed and off the balcony. "You're just tired. We'll continue unpacking in the morning."
And just like that, Britt turned off the lights and left the room.

"You can see me?" An unusually sweet voice appeared next to Sam's bed. Her head swivelled around to see the girl, practically glowing and staring at her. She seemed to be of some East Asian ethnicity but in her shock, Sam didn't really care.
"What do you mean 'you can see me'?" Sam spluttered, scrambling up from her sprawled out position on the bed. "Who are you? Why are you in my house?"
"Well , normally people can't see or hear me." The girl replied, sitting on the bed and grinning. "I'm Andrea. But mostly people call me Dre. It's my house too, I've lived here for a long time."
"No." Sam shook her head. "Andrea, I need you to leave."
"I can't." Andrea shifted, a dark look coming across her face. "I'm stuck here for eternity."
"That doesn't even make any sense." Sam rolled her eyes and went to grab Andrea's arm to pull her out of the house but her hand just went straight through. "What? Are you a ghost or something?"
"Yeah." Andrea giggled. "But I can choose when people can touch me or just go through. Unlike those fictional ghosts. See?"
Andrea poked Sam's forehead, giggling.
"So what happened that caused you to be stuck here?" Sam pushed her hand away and turned the lights on. Andrea shied back, shaking her head.

"Oh right," Sam shook her head. "That was probably insensitive of me."
Andrea just shrugged.
"Are you just going to watch me sleep then?" Sam sighed.
"No, I'll probably go down to the basement." Andrea smiled. "Or sit on the balcony, I love the night air."
Nodding, Sam curled up in her bedsheets.
"Goodnight then." She whispered, drifting off pretty quickly.


"Okay, Sam so I've ordered our breakfast, and it should be arriving-" Britt walked into Sam's room and frowned at her friend's confused face. "Why do you look like you've just seen a ghost?"
"I think I just did." Sam whispered. "She said her name was Andrea, and she was stuck in this house for eternity."
"You were just tired Sam," Britt rolled her eyes. "Now, get up before the food gets here."

Sam groaned and stretched, looking out the balcony window. Andrea was back, sitting on the balcony wall. Quickly brushing her hair and changing into a crop top and yoga pants, Sam opened the door and leaned on the wall next to Andrea.
"Morning." Sam stretched herself out.
"Morning." Andrea smiled, swinging her legs. "Nice day it seems. But I can't go any further."
Andrea reached out her hand to the open air, where it suddenly stopped like an invisible wall was blocking the way. Sam frowned.

"I hung myself." Andrea whispered and pointed to Sam's room behind them, her cheery aura gone. "In that room. I was trapped in this house by my uncle, and I thought my ticket to freedom was death. Damn was I wrong."
She turned to look at Sam, who was gazing back at her in shock.
"Sorry." She mumbled. "What's your name?"
"Sam." Sam replied, still in concern for this ghost. "How long have you been stuck here?"
"Since the 60s." Andrea shrugged and hopped onto the balcony. "Did you know how cute you are?"
Sam stared at this nonchalant girl. How she could just spew all this trauma and then go to casual conversation, she would never know.
Andrea reached out and cupped Sam's jaw, gliding her thumb from the brunette's chin, over her lips and across her cheek.

This is a GHOST, Sam! No one can see her. People will think you're crazy if you fall in love. Unless... you... NO!

Sam's mind was racing about 509 million miles an hour as she tried to figure out what was happening to her.
Andrea lifted off the floor, allowing her face to be level with Sam's as she leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

Fuck it.

Sam pulled Andrea close by her hips, letting their lips mould together. Suddenly Andrea started to fade in her arms, a grin plastered on her face.
"Thank you for freeing me." She whispered as all trace of the girl disappeared.

"Samantha Pauly listen to me." Britt was yelling from her bedroom door. "What are you doing? I've been waiting for you downstairs."
"I think..." Sam stumbled on her words, glancing back at where Andrea once was. "I think I've just kissed a ghost."

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