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The Asian Water Dragon - also called the Thai, Chinese, or Green Water Dragon; is a dark to a bright green lizard with high horned thin scales that run from its head to the base, it's a laterally flattened tail. The tail is banded in brown and green stripes that end in a fine pointed tip.

The water dragon uses its tail for balance, as well as leverage when climbing, as well as a whip to defend itself against predators.

Water dragons are sexually dimorphic, meaning; males and females exhibit different characteristics from each other.

Males generally have more vivid coloring than females, including a bright orange to yellow area under the throat with pink tones near the lower jaw. Males also develop larger heads, jowls, and crests on the back and neck, and their femoral pores are typically larger than a female's.

 Males also develop larger heads, jowls, and crests on the back and neck, and their femoral pores are typically larger than a female's

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Females are smaller than males, more slender, less bold in coloring, and known behaviorally as more skittish. They share similar tails with brown, green, and white stripes.

 They share similar tails with brown, green, and white stripes

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Water dragons do not have a dewlap or throat pouch. They have well-developed legs, and their feet are five-toed with long, thick claws that end in sharp, needle-like points.

The front limbs are generally more slender than the back and are used for climbing and grasping branches

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The front limbs are generally more slender than the back and are used for climbing and grasping branches. The muscular back legs also aid in climbing, as well as swimming and jumping or leaping from object to object. Asian water dragons can also run bipedally.

When nervous or frightened, these lizards seek refuge in the water. They are strong swimmers and, if necessary, can remain submerged for long periods of time - sometimes up to 25 minutes!


Size -
Asian Water Dragons typically reach lengths of 3 feet, with the tail accounting for nearly 70 percent of their body length. Females tend to be slightly smaller than males, in general.

Lifespan -Water dragons can live for 10 to 15 years if properly taken care of in a beneficial environment with proper diet, nutrients, and care

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Lifespan -
Water dragons can live for 10 to 15 years if properly taken care of in a beneficial environment with proper diet, nutrients, and care.

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