-Bloody Flowers-

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tw// probably gore i dont remember what this was about lmao

This was one of my story ideas for amphibian resumed when it was relevant.

Anne was feeling fed up. Sasha and MArcy started arguing again. They might be happy to still be friends but they argue seamlessly. If they cant get along theres no way we can have a relationship Now or never. "ALright you too! You guys argue all the time..! I'm fed up. Go outside on an walk or something, do anything but argue! God..." "Cmon Waybright don t wanna piss of Boonchuy more." Marcy says laughing hysterically. Sasha laughs a little too. "Oh so this is all my fault huh? Well I don;t want to see you two until you resolve your problems and if that takes months I'll see you in months then! You guys are so annoying when you argue! So shut up!" Sasha looks taken aback frowning. "Cmon on Sasha.."" Marcy trails off. As they walk out the store. Sasha goes to grasp Marcys hand and Marcy pulls away quickly. Sasha looks hurt. "Sasha, why would I want to hold hands with you?" "UHm cause we used too all the time??? Lik hello???" Sasha notices a patch of flowers and picks one up to give to marcy. Sasha puts it in their hair. Marcy smiles but hands it back to him. "Sorry Sash.. I don't want it.. You can have it tho!!"" Marcy says happily. "WHAT IS IT WITH YOU AND HATING ME? WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU WU? ALL I DID WAS LOVE YOU AND YOU HATE ME!" "ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU GO OUT OF YOU WAY TO NOT INCLUDE ME.. its not my fault you fel in love with anne.." Marcys tears hits a few of the flowers and suddenly they all writher. "Umm mars- bars?" "WHAT WAYBRIGHT I DONT WANT TO TALK TO YOU." "Look behind you" Marcy truns around slowly to see a giant flower monster made of the withered flowers and it kicked them sending them flying, "MARS! Oh its on.." Sasha goes to slice the thing and does it but it grows well regenirates immediately. The wind breezes sounding like "Sasha if you let us kill marcy you and Anne could have an happily ever after without them.." "NO! ITS NOT LIKE IM NOT IN LOVE WITH THEM. CAUSE I VERY MUCH AM I JUST KNOW THEY ARENT INTO ME SO I TRY TO PUSH THE FEELINGS AWAY. IM GOING TO DESTROY YOU FOR THINKING ID BETRAY MARS LIKE THAT!" Sasha shouts. Marcy blushes slightly before getting up to fight. "No Mars. This is my fight." Sasha pushes them away, then he leaps up slicing the thing furiously faster then it can regenerate. Finding the core of the beast a normal flower sasharips it apart. Destroying the thing

"Sashy that was awesome!!!! GOd I love you- Oh-" Sasha smiles. "You mean that?" "Well yeah.. We just have to wait for the right time to ask Anne out... right thats what you want?" "I mean well yeah..." Sasha grasps MArcys hand walking back to Anne.\

Amphibia stories I wrote at school lmaoWhere stories live. Discover now