read about these gay kids

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 Ignore me not writing about hoppop polly or sprig pls im so done with writing stuff that's long and decent :D reasons i dont use polly or hopop or sprig is because i am a bad writer. shipper noises intensify (it was not supposed to be a ship story but here it is anyways) (i will write sashannarcy next bc i mainly ship them lol) dont make me write darcy that will make the amphibia trauma worse dont ask me how the hell i made this thing up i have no idea ig tw/ for marcy harm because tknow andrais sucks and some other things uh yeah uh h


1 DAY LEFT LESGOOOOOO not happy to see possessed marcy but here we are :D

Darcy more like DEADCY lmao

I don 't know what happened but I remember a sword of fire and the king of newtopia. I doubt I am awake, or alive for that matter. Sometimes I wonder if things would be different if I wasn't selfish. Sure I didn't want to move away from Anne and Sasha, But maybe it would've been better. A fresh start. But my heart belongs here with Sasha and anne.. Mostly anne, sasha is kinda a jerk a lot but we are still friends nonetheless. I hope Anne is doing well. Sigh I hurt her and I want to be her freaking girlfriend. Marcy, you are an idiot you know that? Yeah I do. I am clumsy, super smart but oblivious, and not selfish. But oh, I can't, I just can't. Not even for Sasha. NOT EVEN FOR ANNE. It's my fault. If I just told them I was moving we wouldn't be here. Well I.. but point made. I give up. King Andrias can do whatever he freaking wants with me. I give up. (hahahahaha gets possessed later after i wrote this cries) (casually just gets ip in all in like she wasnt stabbed or possessed.)

*some battle royales later lol* (audible marcy singing number one victory royale)

Okay.. maybe I am not so hopeless after all. Seeing as well.... hey. . sasha is still here. She'll save me right? Well. I don't know seeing as she is probably back to controlling an army. I made the wrong choice. Only if I could go back in time..... Wait a minute! Time travel maybe if I wait long enough I can time travel... oh wait that would only go to the future. Give up Marcy... What was that? Oh no... I'm going crazy now. Great! Just what I needed I might as well give up. No point talking to myself. It's not gonna get me anywhere.

*idk how long but timeskip later all i know it's more than 2 months*

Okay... Sasha made some progress! How? Well if you couldn't tell I am out of the tank, oh wait you cant see me this is a story "STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL MARCY!" ""SORRY SASHA!" Anyways as you now know I am living with sasha. We are trying to find a way to speak to Anne again. Oh my precious anne. "Mar mar, please stop daydreaming about Anne for once? You're like the brain of the team." "Oh right.. Sorry wait what was that about anne?" "Forget it mar mar."" Sasha really knows about my thing for uh anne. Oh now you know too. If it wasn't already obvious in the series. "SERIOUSLY AGAIN MAR MAR STOP BREAKING THE WALL!" "OkAY JEEZ DON'T NEED TO YELL AT ME.""

*time skip*

Me and sash still can't find a way to find Anne. Oh I hope she is okay. Sasha says the first thing she is doing when we find Anne is make me and Anne get together. I told her not to so I can do it on my own but she won't listen. I am Marcy Wu! I know I can get Anne on my own without help from sasha! "This story is supposed to be about the drama after the sword, not our love life." "Whose breaking the fourth wall now sasha." "Well somebody needs to make the author stay on track!" (spoilers: the author does not stay on track)

*timeskip cause lazy* (lore nah. Gay: yes)

I think we did it. We got a portal back home working! :D (lots of marcanne coming up)

Oh my god... It's ANNE! "ANNE!" "MARCY! Oh my god thank god you're alive." Anne says while going red. Sasha gives a smirk. "SASHA!!" "Sorry Mar mar." "Look at you, you're still so pretty. Even pretti-'' Anne says pausing and then going red. "Mar mar, you can do it.'' Sasha says, smirking. And Then I gave Anne a little kiss and ran knowing I made a mistake. My eyes tear up as I don;t say a word to either of them. "Marcy, wait!" "Oh what have I done... Marcy came back, it's not the end of the world!"


"Mar mar please come out and Anne is worried." "No sasha, stop lying to me will you?" "I'm not lying!" said sasha. "Sasha, maybe you're not the right person because you aren't exactly.. The type?" "Fine anne. Marcy would let you in anyways." "Marcy, please let me in." "No.." "Mar mar please. I have some explaining to do," I open the door. I would have opened it for anne anyways but... suddenly anne tackles me and gives me a hug. "Please never scare me like that again!" "You... you were worried?" "Heck yeah who wouldn't be worried when their girlfriend runs away without reasoning?" "G-Girlfriend?" "Uhhhhh- yeah as in you know sasha me you are the girlfriends..!(oh my god it's them) Yeah heh heh." "You sure I'm not your girlfriend anne?" "No hehehe..." "I thought so, if you're here to tease me about what I did you might as well leave!" "Hey.. I never said I was gonna tease you." She pulled me closer and it felt really nice. I just sat there looking into her eyes. "You're done staring yet mar mar? Anyways, I have to tell you something." I really wanted to say something but I was so comfortable in her arms all I could say was. "Mhmmmm...?"

"At home, I thought about it for a while and I think I love you alot. More than you know. So do I have the right to call you my girlfriend?" This was it. It was finally happening. "Yeah I do Anne, I've always wanted this. Now can you pull me closer? I am really comfortable with you." "Anything for you mar mar." She pulled me closer and that's when I fell asleep. "Aww she's sleeping." Anne said while cuddling Marcy. "I knew you guys would get together, I called it!" "SHUT UP SASHA SHES SLEEPING." "Okok sorry!" "Sorry about that Mar Mar, anyways sleep well." Anne said while cuddling marcy closer and playing with her hair and eventually falling asleep herself. "Author, you really got off track didnt you. I broke the fourth wall and I'm proud!"

*later because we need more angst gay*

¨Sash? Have you seen Marbles anywhere?¨ ¨No I thought you would have since your her girlfriend after all.¨ ¨I looked everywhere. I can't find her. Sasha, you have to help me.¨ ¨SHE'S MISSING? Oh nonononononono. ANNE WE NEED TO FIND HER!¨ ¨I know we do. But we won't find her if we don't put effort into it.¨ Sigh. Causing problems for them again. I knew I should've gave up. I just should've. They will find me here, but hey does it really matter? ¨Marcy! Why the hell would you run off.¨ I could see the tears in Anne's eyes. Oh anne, only if you understood. Anne grabs me and brings me to the Plantars house (yes they exist now) .Mar mar you had me and sasha scared why would you do that?¨ ¨Just leave me okay? Don't make the hurt last anylonger.¨ I say as I wincing knowing what's going down, ¨Leave you? Why would I ever want that? Oh my god Marcy are you crying? Come ere...shhh it's alright.¨ I fell into her arms. Sobbing. ¨Marcy I'm here for you always. If you need to talk to somebody, talk to me.¨ ¨Okay anne..... I know i should've confronted you but I really didn't want to give you more problems..¨ ¨Marcy what are you saying? You aren't a problem at all! You're like the best thing that ever happened to me. You Will never be a problem.¨ ¨Thanks Anne, I mean it.¨ I kiss her and she kisses me back and then I fall into her arms. ¨I love you marcy....¨ she says as she pulls me closer and cuddles me. ¨I love you too Anne, More than you know..¨ and then I fell asleep. ¨I already know how much you love me Mar mar.¨ She plays with my hair and then falls asleep herself.

Amphibia stories I wrote at school lmaoWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt