funny gay kids go dancing and meet an old friend

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"Hey Sasha Anne! You guys look amazing!" Marcy said, "Thanks, you to Marshmallow." Sasha said. "Are we gonna go in or not?" Anne said. ¨Yeah!¨ Marcy boasted.

¨Heck yeah! I did not just spend 2 hours worrying about what to wear to not even go out with you guys!¨ said Sasha. ¨You spent 2 hours over us? I spent Uh, I think it was 25 minutes and 36 seconds getting ready.¨"Marcy said. ¨Wow marcy, that sure is uh, specific.¨ Anne said. ¨LETS GO ALREADYYYY¨ Sasha said. ¨Okay okay.¨ Said Anne. They walk in. ¨This is gonna be awesome!" Marcy Boasts. They start hanging out and having fun together being the complete doofuses they are with each other. They all clearly loved each other. But suddenly, a person approached them. "SASHA? IT"S BEEN FOREVER GURL!!!!!" says the stranger. "JESSIE? OH MY GODDDD!!!!!!!!!!" Sasha says hugging this Jessie person. "Uh Sashy who is this?" Marcy asks. "Anne, Marcy meet my bestie from camp, remember that time I went away for a little well this is my bestie from there. Jessie, meet my girlfriends, Anne and Marcy!" "Sasha, I knew you were gay, it was obvious and good for you guys!" "Thanks Jess!" Sasha said. "I'll leave you guys alone, because it looks like you guys were having fun. Heres my number sash ********* call me later! Also tell me all the details about your date!" Jesse said. Anne blushes. Marcy has a complete gay panic. "Marcy Anne. Come on.. You dont have to blush or panic whenver somebody mentions we are together." Sasha complained. "I'm sorry, I'm not used to it, jeez sasha!" Anne said. "Sorry Anne, I didn't mean to sound harsh, I just figured you would get used to me calling you guys my girls and people referencing us together. Its okay if you need more time to adjust!" Sasha smiled. Anne blushed more. "Sashy! Don't kill anne we need her!! Although Anne is pretty, like really, smiling will kill her, seriously, I might seem ammune to it but I'm dying on the insdie." Marcy said trying to contain blush. Sasha smiles more "I'm sorry but you guys make me so happy!!!" He boasts. Marcy giggles. Anne cant contain herself. "Why are you both so hot?" she tries to cover her mouth. Sasha grins. Marcy gasps. "Anne- your hotter then me oh gosh- im ugly as he||" "Marcy don't say that!!! Your very pretty, I mean it." Anne says. "No you dont have to lie to me Anne, I know the truth." "Marsh! You are very pretty dont say bad things about yourself!!" Marcy smiled. "Thanks, I knew you guys would say that. This is why I love you both." THey spend the rest of the night having a blast. Until Marcy got tired, they decided to call it a night. They went home and cuddled each other to sleep. (motivation lost :D)

Amphibia stories I wrote at school lmaoWhere stories live. Discover now