Chapter 6 - morning after

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Dazing out of the dream, she felt her consciousness coming back to her body. She had dreamed of her past, back at the Hydra station. In this particular dream, her boss Johann Smidth had just discovered her new power after the long hours of electricity that had been forcefully put in her body. She had electrical wires around her body, stomach, head, arms, and even at the bottom of her legs, that occationally put out an amount of volts, and each time they'd start, they hurt like a b*tch. She could still recall this torture, the way she would count every second because she would know when they would end, how she begged Johann to make it stop, to allow her some breath. She saw how some of the scientists, that they switched over the years, looked at her. There were two types. The one that is so intrigued that they are willing to do anything to discover you, even if it kills you. And the type that allows you some breathing, the one that is careful when putting in a needle, the type that wants to make things as painless as they possible can because they see you as a human and not an object. There was one of each type and she saw the sadist look with lust in his eyes each time the electricity would flow through her body again, waiting to be consumed. The other scientist, Jenny, she had told her name to make things easier on Niz, looked at her with a pained look, she flinched each time Niz would scream. She tried to keep her screams controlled because even she had the urge to protect the ones that did seem to care. Eventually, after the machine went off 47 times, she erupted. Not in an explosive way, but all the wires around her body started floating. They started to move towards the sadist, who still had that lusting face. Unconsciously, to protect her body, her mind started moving the wires onto the sadist and activated the machine. The volt sparks raced of his body and his limbs started moving rapidly. He started making gutterly sounds, like her was drowning but there was no water. Niz thought he had swallowed his tongue and could not breathe, even better.
Later on Johann came into her room, looking calm but having that scary look in his eyes, the one she had been afraid of even since she was young. He came towards her and told her to sit. She had a small bed in the corner of her room and a desk close to it. He leaned against the desk whilst she sat down. "I heard you killed Mister Miragest today. I though I told you to treat our guests with most utter respect", with that last word some spit came out and Niz made a disgusted face. "I did, boss. I had no control and do not remember what I did. My memory starts here, after the training." Sighing he stood up, made a few steps towards her, and slapped her. Niz could feel her blood rush towards the spot he just left. She felt the stinging that was now starting to form. It had not been as bad as the volts, but the emotional damage it did to disappoint him hurt much more. He turned around and walked out of the room. "Training starts again tomorrow, I expect you to not do anything that is not expected of you, or you know what will happen." She gave a nod and he shut the door.

Opening her eyes, she felt all emotions from her dream return to her. Not wanting to wake Natasha, who was still sound asleep, she got out of bed. They went to bed after yesterdays kiss and just slept. Both very exhausted from the late night, and from the alcohol. She put on some shorts, and a sweather. Both of them in her backpack, having bought them right after running away. She walked out of the room and quietly asked Jarvis where the kitchen area was. Being led around, she saw some stunning things, Tony had a piano in the living room that she had missed yesterday, a giant TV which was in a room with a lot of red chairs, and even a outdoor pool that seemed to be hanging off the deck. Upon entering the kitchen, she saw no-one. It was only 6 AM. Realizing she had time, and remembering that the rooms were soundproof, she turned on the radio that was on the kitchen counter. She pulled out some flour, eggs, milk, some chocolate chips and gathered the rest upon baking and started her way through breakfast. Tony had a large dining table with could have over 16 people, having 3 people on the short sides, and 5 on the long sides. She put some plates on the table along with some cutlery and cups. First making some easy croissants, finding a recipe on a cookbook tablet. Kneeding the dough, folding it and putting beautiful butter pieces inside the rolled, raw croissant. After putting some eggwash on them, she turned the pre-heated oven on once more and put them in. She then started on her pancakes, chocolate chip pancakes to be exact. She found that following instructions was easy enough when it was all written out. Flipping the pan, just as instructed in the cookbook tablet. Stacking them on eachother and putting some clear wrap over them to perserve the warmth. Finding some oranges in the refrigerator, the took out the squeezer and started squeezing out the juice whilst jamming on the songs. Finishing up those and putting it back in the refrigerator and grabbing the bacon. She put a pan she found in a cabinet high up, on the stove and spread the bacon out on the pan, hearing it sizzle and shrivel up. She was just bobbing her heaad with the music until a familiar one came up. Her face lightening up, she starting to sway and dance on the beginning intrumental part and singing along with the lyrics, grabbing the spatula as a microphone. "Oh DONT YOU DARE LOOK BACK, just keep ur eyes on me. I said you're holding back.This woman is my destiny.... WHOO HOO shut up and dance with me ....", she turned around, trying to make a pirouette but stopping halfway when she saw Tony stand in the doorway admiring her. Stopping in her pirouette, frozen, she stood. Her mouth wide open. "Goodmorning too you too.", he said, now slightly sniffing his nose. "AAH SHIT, the bacon is burning." Nizuka quickly got the pan of the stove and put it on a coaster. "Goodmorning Tony, I figured you all may have a hangover and thought I'd make a nutritious meal." "Thank you, that is very considerate of you. I have to tell you, this smells amazing." Giving Tony a smile, she put the last of the pieces of bacon on a plate and put it on the table where now almost everything lied down, warm and waiting to be eaten. "Could you wake the rest up, it is 10:30 AM right now and I overheard some people talking about having plans at 12:00 PM." Tony just told Jarvis to wake them up, and not a second later they heard the first groan. "Goodmorning sunshine", Tony said smiling brightly, obviously overjoyed at Steve who had a bad hangover.
A few minutes later everyone, including Tony's wife, Pepper Pots (not her real name apparently, Niz found out when shaking her hand), and she joined them for dinner aswell. Lastly Natasha came into the room. She looked refreshed, appearing less tired then she did yesterday, she also seemed more clear which was obvious considering she had been drinking but something in her posture made her appear clearer as well. Walkiing into the room she made a sniffing sound and said: "This smells amazing, who in the world made all of this?" "Oh, I did." The response seemed to make everybody's head turn. Niz's cheeks turned a bit red and she just pulled out a chair for Natasha to sit in. "Anyways", Tony responded, once again saving the awkward silence. "After this amazing breakfast, we have training. I know people are hungover, we have advil for that, suck it up. I expect everyone to come." He looked at Niz, "Can you fight?" A small nod made him continue as if nothing made him shocked anymore. "Great, do you want to participate and help people train, or even improve yourself?" She nodded again and muttered to herself: "I don't need any improvement."
During the breakfast everyone talked happily, she heard conversations about things in town, some past battles, idea's they had, whether it be for group activities or for S.H.I.E.L.D. "Nizuka, do you have any idea what you want to do?" She gave a pained look. At first, she did not really think she would find Natasha that quick. She had literally arrived, and there she was. She did not really have a place to go, or something to do. Since she wasn't in any record or in the system, she would not be able to get a job, not that she would need it with a stolen creditcard, but still, it would give her something to do. "I have no idea what I can or want to do." Natasha simply looked at her and gave her an answer that made her have hope for a future, one where she would not be alone in anymore. "You could stay with us and become an ally in S.H.I.E.L.D, but you would have to go through screening and a LOT of mental tests and examinations. "Will they hurt?" Natasha's face looked confused, "No, why would they hurt?" "You said examinations, they'll look under your skin and investigate your blood etcetera, right." Bucku, Wanda and Pietro looked at each other with a pained expression. They seemed to know more then the others, even though everyone knew Hydra's reputation when it came to experiments. "Nizuka...", Wanda spoke. "What did they do to you, in those rooms?" She didn't respond. Instead she stood up and walked out of the room, hearing people behind her call her name.

Entering the room she slept in with Natasha, she sat down on the bed. Hearing someone walk towards the room she turned her head towards the floor, not wanting to see anyone's pity. It was Natasha, she could recognize the shoes. "Hey there малыш (malysh). Would you like to talk?" Nizuka did not respond, she just kept looking at the floor. Natasha came next to her, she felt the matress get dent in, the pressure making her shift closer to Nizuka. "A few years back I was held prisoner, Russian mafia, they held me for over 3 weeks before I was found by SHIELD. I barely got out, but once I did, I did not stop eating ice cream and candies that I had not eaten since I was young. I could not stop thinking about what my purpose was, and if I served any use now that they did not have my body anymore. Do you feel like you do not have a purpose anymore?" Nizuka looked up, eyes glistening from what Natasha had just told her. "No, Natalia. I know my purpose and I know that my body is mine, but my body has them all over it." Natasha did not look sad, she just listened to Niz and nodded when she looked at her.
It wasn't until Niz stood up that Natasha's facial features changed. She looked a bit relieved, like she had been wanting Nizuka to get this off of her shoulders for a long while. Nizuka turned around and grabbed the sides of her shirt, slowly lifiting it up. The edges of her body forming below the shirt. In the blink of an eye, the shirt was on the ground and all that was left was Nizuka's body, her mutilated body. It looked like she had lashes all over her back. Some tissue looked a little pinkish, others looked more reddish. She had three big scars spread across her ribcage, one on both sides and one that lined up perfectly with her spine. Natasha reached out, and softly stroked her finger across the one on the left side. She felt Niz shiver, but continued, trying to make her feel more at ease. She caressed her fingers across the scar that was placed on her spine. She did not stop, she just kept caressing, feeling Nizuka relax with every touch she felt. "I hope that someday, you will trust me enough to tell me about them." Those words made a swift change in Nizuka, she turned around and faced Natasha with as much courage as she had done back on the bridge. "I may not be able to tell you, but I could show you." Giving no warning once again, she put her hand on Natasha's cheek just like she had done last time. And just like last time, memories came flashing by, but this time not her own. She saw Nizuka and herself standing in a room with a simple desk and bed, and in the corner was Nizuka, they were watching inside her memories.

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