Chapter 4 - Party first part

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She was at the bar talking to the scary 'Winter Soldier' who looked like he was already done with the party. "You got your mind restored by a girl you met one day, and now literally let her be at the party without handcuffs?" Natasha scoffed, "you do realize we have Loki here too right?" With a smirk and a "touche", the Winter Soldier turned his head to the stairs where now a girl in a red dress walked down.

Natasha's head turned aswell and her breathing stopped upon seeing the beautiful creature that now walked down the stairs, gaining eye contact with her and seeing her cheeks turn red slightly from the intense eye contact. "I assume that is the 'beautiful girl you are talking about? I understand you completly, Black Widow." Natasha did not fully hear her friend, could only focus on the girl that was now walking towards her, towards the bar.
"Hi there", she said sheepishly. "Hello there Niz, you look beautiful." Natasha said those words in a way that made butterflies errupt in Nizuka's stomach, said those words like she would go on her knees for her. "You don't look so bad yourself." Natasha was wearing a serpent green body suit that showed her greek goddess-like breasts and made her collerbones that Nizuka wanted to kiss badly, mouth watering. Feeling like Natasha could hear and feel her thoughts she ordered some tequila shots. Shooting them back without feeling the alcohol hitting the back of her throat that badly, she ordered a martini. A drink she had heard the guards back at her Hydra room talk about. She thanked the bartender, gave him some money as a tip and started to ask if Natasha could introduce her to some people. Natasha nodded, still feeling a bit dazed by Nizuka's beauty, took her to some of the others, Wanda and Tony included. They welcomed her and started including her in the conversation. After a few minutes of them finishing the conversation about whether or not Wanda's powers could break 20 robots at once, they turned to Nizuka. Natasha felt the burn of Tony's stare when she was purely focussing on Nizuka. She looked at every body language sign, looked at every sign that could show her discomfort. But Nizuka answered every question truthfully, without taking too long, like she was used to being questioned and had no time to think about it. One question made her fall into silence. It looked to Natasha as if she was thinking about what to answer to the question: "Do you have powers, and what is it?" Natasha herself started thinking about the things she had seen of her so far: invisibility, a shifting power that she did not understand, she could command people to do as she said and speed that gave her an unnerving feeling. "It's not just one, is it Niz?" Nizuka looked wide-eyed at the redhead and then nodded softly. "I have obtained quite a lot of powers of the years", she muttered softly whilst her eyes started looking glossy. "I promise I am no danger to any of you, and I p- promise not to use it on any of you, not without reason." She fell over her words out of what looked to be fear. Fear of what, Natasha did not know, but she assumed it was because she did not wanted @to be rejected. Tony did not look scared or surprised even, he only looked a bit... worried, concerned for the girl in front of him. "Do not be scared, Nizuka. If you are comfortable, would you like to present your powers and tell us how you got them?" Nizuka seemed hesitant, but with Natasha sneakily grabbing her hand, she nodded, her eyes going back to their glowing self. "My first power, that got Hydra interested in me is, what I call, animal shifting. I can basically transform into any animal, half-form and fully transform. That's probably what you saw earlier today, I was in my wolf form and had my ears and tail. I gain some characteristics of the animal aswell, with lions I could gain pride, with my wolf form I usually tend to gain a huge loyalty to someone, or the big urge to protect them at all cost." Tony's face was hilarious. He. Looked. Stunned. Like someone had dropped their pants or gave him a 'bitch' slap. His face turned from stunned to almost giddy and enthusiastic. "CAN YOU PLEASE SHOW ME", he said loudly, causing a low growl to come from Nizuka's mouth. He shut up fast and asked her again with a more softer tone. "What would you like to see", she asked in a tone that showed gratitude for Tony's respect, but also expressed her now growing confidence. She looked at Natasha and asked her about her favorite animal. Natasha being Natasha and loving water chose a 'clown fish'. Nizuka sighed and asked for a land animal, one that is actually accessible on land. "Cat", she said with a serious, but flirty looking face, causing Nizuka to blush slightly. She closed her eyes and sofly swayed just her head where now cat ears appeared from a blue glowing light. From the back of her dress, a soft tail appeared but stayed under her dress. Natasha simply stared whilst Tony and Wanda moved forward to touch the ears. With a soft hiss, they calmed down and asked if they could touch the ears. "You can, but please softly, they are.... Sensitive." They moved one by one, to pet her head, just barely touching her ears and looking stunned by the softness of them. When they turned around and looked at Natasha with a look of 'are you going to do anything', she returned a look that said 'mind your business' which drew a slight smile and a smirk from the redhead and beard guy. Nizuka then softly turned her face to Natasha and said: "Would you- would you like to touch?" The question on itself sounded intimate. It sounded far more sexier then her asking her to kiss her right now, in the middle of the room. With a small nod Nizuka moved to her in a slow pace that made her wonder if time had actually slowed down. She lifted up her hand to meet Nizuka's head and in a swift movement she stroked her hand to the back of head. Being stunned with the softness she went again, going closer to her ear with every stroke, being unaware of what effect it had on Nizuka. Nizuka started blushing like crazy, covering her face when Natasha basically stroked her left ear. She made a noise that sounded like a really soft purr and then squealed under Natasha's hand and moved away quickly. Trying to slow her breathing pace, she started asking the people if they wanted to see something else, quickly mentioning she can fly. That took the interest of not just Tony and Wanda, but also the others around her. Getting hit with questions all around her, she just transformed her body again. This time removing her ear and tail, and making eagle-like wings appear that adapted to her length and form. They were big, and had a long wingspan (A court of reference hehe), and just like her cat form, they were brownish and had a darker ending at the tips of the feathers. Everyone around Natasha and her turned around and admired her. Natasha sensing her unease, told her to transform back. Listening without realizing it, she transformed back to being merely human. "Good little girl", Natasha praised, sending shivers down Nizuka's spine. Three little words that held so much power over her, especially coming from a girl that saved her from staying a pawn. Natasha slowly crept her hands around Nizuka's waist, pulling her just as close as she did back on that bridge. Nizuka, out of embarrassment hid her face in the crook of Natasha's neck, near the collerbone that she wanted to kiss so badly. Near her neck that she badly wanted to leave marks on.

'Natasha's girl's story' - girl x Natashaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن