season 1 | lunatic

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Me and Allison are in the library together when stiles starts blowing up my phone with messages about how he's made first line and scottys now co-captain.

"Stiles said hes made first line and Scott and Jackson are co captains." I tell Allison laughing

"wow and wow. I bet Jackson is not happy about the co-captain situation but good on stiles." She says in reply

"Well stiles said his name is actually Biles Billinski now." Me and Allison both laugh

"I actually wanted to ask you something."

"Sure, whats up alli?"

"Is Scott okay after earlier? Please don't tell him I asked."

"I won't. And yeah, hes okay I think he just felt really overwhelmed in that moment."

"yeahh." She trails off looking down at my phone

Causing me to also look down at my phone seeing the message that stiles sent me. Scott made out with Lydia. I look at Allison with sympathy in my eyes.

"I'm so sorry alli."

"Why would she do that?"

"I wish I knew. But are you gonna be, okay? I've gotta go."

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Message me later."

"yeah ofc."

With that I grab my bags rushing out of the library and out of school. I get to my house about the same time that stiles does.

"Scott?" my mom asks turning the corner


"And Davina." I say

"Key!" she says looking down at stiles hand

"Yeah. I had one made so..."

"That doesn't surprise me. It scares me, but it doesn't surprise me."

Stiles drops a gym bag on the floor making a loud thud sound.

"What is that?" my mom asks

"uh school project."

"Stiles, Davina, he's okay, right?"

"Who? Scott? Yeah. Totally." Stiles rambles

"'he's okay mom."

"He just doesn't talk to me anymore, not like he used to."

"Well, hes had a bit of a rough week."

"he will mom give him time."

"Okay. Be careful tonight you two."

"You too mom."

"Full moon."

Both me and stiles heads snap up to hers.


"There's a full moon tonight. You should see how the er gets. Brings out all the nut jobs. You know, it's actually where they came up with the word lunatic." she says before leaving

"Come on stiles." I say patting his shoulder before we head up the stairs

"oh my god! Dude, you scared the hell outta me" stiles says jumping in fright when he sees scott in the corner of the room

"Mom said you weren't home yet." I say

"I came in through the window."

"Okayy." I say hesitance clear in my voice

"Well let's get this set up. I want you to see what I bought." Stiles says pulling stuff out the bags

"I'm fine. I'm just gonna lock the door and go to bed early tonight."

the life of Davina Mccall<3Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu