Part 1

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Disclaimer:- This is just a fanfiction.This fanfiction may contain abusive words and emotional abuse if you aren't comfortable please don't read it. This fanfiction is fictional it has nothing to do and relate with the idols and here I've used certain idols name you can change as per as your comfort and there's NO HATE  to the ideals no Shipping please don't misunderstand this fiction.
I just own the story line which is just my imagination and copyright is strictly prohibited from my storyline
You may enjoy!

Jk pov:-
She's a pure innocent soul.
Why she has to bear this all??
She stood there working all days and nights to be independent to break the walls she's surrounded with..
I know what she's going through she can't express it but I know it all.

We work at a bar.y/n and I've been good friends. Even if she just takes me as a friend but I love her.
The bar manager said that a most known and famous business man is going to visit the bar tonight and he had warned us not to disobey him and he has assisted y/n to serve them ,I don't understand why?
He gave her a short dress, she's uncomfortable in it. I walked towards her

"Is it uncomfortable? should I go and inform it to the manager?"
She vigorously moved her head signing me a no
You're sure you want to do this?
I asked her she looked down towards her feet
Taking some minutes she looked up to me smiling and showing me a thumbs up signalling that she's ok with it but I know she's not.
I was going to tell her she doesn't has to do it but the manager interrupted us.
Manager - Y/n come on take the tray and go to the VIP room they are already here ..
She nodded and walked towards the counter picking up the tray and moving towards the VIP room.

Y/n pov -
I left picking the tray towards the VIP room. This dress is so uncomfortable it barely reaches up to my mid thigh
I can't even protest.I know jungkook wanted to say something defending me but the manager interrupted us.
Soon I reached the VIP room I heard their giggles I asked them for the  permission if I could enter and I heard a COME IN ....Taking a deep breath I entered inside the room not knowing what was coming next for me.
As soon as I entered I saw the renowned and famous businesses men. I'm sure about it that he's shocked seeing me,those wide open eyes speaks it all but I didn't expect what was coming next.
He walked to me and then I felt a sharp sting on my right cheek and then I realised I've just been slapped now.
He grabbed my wrist and threw the tray making way towards the exit...

Jk pov
She went inside and I got back to the counter where I serve drinks but not so late the door burst open revealing the man and he was holding y/n's hand and pulling her towards the exit.
I followed them and they entered into the car he pushed y/n in the car and he was going to the driver's seat but I stopped him holding his hand . I don't care about what the manager said about not disobeying and all but now I just care about y/n.He looked to me and opened his mouth to say something but I cutted him off asking "Who are you? And where the hell are you taking her huhh??"
He looked shocked but replied to me saying "I'M HER FATHER "

I'm sorry for a short chapter but I just want to see the reviews and comments.I know it's just the start but hope you enjoy
Thank you!!

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