Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 [EDITED]

Yu Xue gazed at the expanded two-meter space with excitement. "So, can this area continue to be expanded in the future?" she asked.

"Yes, it can," Duoduo confirmed.

"And will this space always be connected to the house?" Yu Xue inquired further.

"Absolutely!" Duoduo replied.

A smile spread across Yu Xue's face. "That's fantastic! I'll need to buy a lot of materials to fill this space. I was worried before that the house was too small and I wouldn't have enough room for supplies."

Duoduo interjected, "Actually, I plan to grow fruits and vegetables here, so you won't have to worry about running out of food. Oh, and by the way, you can also sunbathe here."

Yu Xue's eyes sparkled with joy. "As long as there's sun in the sky, I can consider this space as an open ground fully exposed to the sky. I can even install solar panels for a continuous supply of solar energy!"

She couldn't contain her happiness. This meant that her house would not only be a place to live but also a comprehensive villa with its own backyard, vegetable garden, and storage area.

In the future, she could even build a small building here, lie down and watch the clouds during the day, and gaze at the stars at night. The mere thought of it was beautiful!

She returned to the room, filled with excitement, and danced with unknown blessings, waving her two front paws in the air.

"Laifu, from now on, we can roam freely every day. Isn't that wonderful?" she exclaimed.

Though Laifu didn't quite understand what had happened, he could sense the joy emanating from his owner. He barked happily, wagging his tail vigorously, and joined in the duet by playfully dancing on his hind legs.

Standing upright, this Samoyed was almost as tall as Yu Xue herself.

Duoduo, observing the scene, remained silent.

He looked at the dog with an indescribable expression on his face.

In the next moment, as Yu Xue hugged the dog's head and showered it with kisses, she noticed that Laifu had stopped barking. She looked up and met Duoduo's gentle and tranquil black grape-like eyes.

Surprised, she asked, "Duoduo?"

Duoduo responded with a confirming sound.

Yu Xue embraced the large dog and nestled her face in its soft fur. "Thank you so much. I really love this gift! Can I grow vegetables in this space?"

"Of course," Duoduo replied.

With renewed happiness, Yu Xue showered the dog with more kisses before sitting cross-legged on the floor. She grabbed her phone, activated the flashlight, and began to make a list of what she would need for vegetable gardening.

First, she needed seeds. Then, she wondered if she could plant directly in the soil there.

"Yes, you can plant directly in the soil," Duoduo confirmed.

That's a relief, she thought. No need to worry about soil then.

"And does the soil require fertilization?" she asked.

"No, it has self-purification and self-repairing capabilities, and will maintain its optimal condition," Duoduo explained.

"Wow, that's amazing!" Yu Xue exclaimed, relieved that she wouldn't need chemical fertilizers either.

Next on her list were planting and harvesting tools: hoes, shovels, spades, baskets for collecting vegetables and fruits. She also planned to buy a versatile tiller and a hand-push planter.

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