Duoduo took a moment to respond, saying, "Today, there are two mutant plants?"

Yu Xue was taken aback and noticed a hint of weakness in Duoduo's voice. She hesitated and asked, "Duoduo, why does your voice sound a bit weak?"

Duoduo quickly reassured her, "No, it's nothing." Then, it swiftly possessed the dog and circled around the two pots of plants. Its paws lightly touched the pot containing the Nepenthes and remarked, "This one has relatively strong and aggressive energy. The hanging orchid seems to have recently undergone a mutation."

Yu Xue pondered for a moment, feeling a bit powerless. Perhaps it was just her imagination. After all, she had only recently encountered the cactus ball incident. It seemed unlikely for Duoduo's voice to become weaker all of a sudden.

She nodded in agreement with Duoduo's observation and said, "I feel the same way. Maybe getting injured by Nepenthes will cause my vines to further evolve."

She showcased her thorny vines, indicating the potential for further transformation.

Duoduo contemplated the situation and asked, "So, if you get injured by a mutant plant, you acquire some of its characteristics. What specific traits do you want to gain from Nepenthes?"

Yu Xue pondered the question. What did she actually think of when it came to Nepenthes? It had two large teeth and a digestive juice sac. It was capable of eating insects, but did she find that ability appealing? Or would it make her appearance unpleasant?

She realized that she didn't particularly like those abilities for her own vines.

"Forget it," Yu Xue decided. "I'll try again when I come across a more suitable mutant plant."

With that in mind, she ventured to another flower and bird market the following day, where she found a pot of mutant hydrangeas and a pot of mutant shrub roses. Neither of them stood out as particularly special, so she simply fed them a meal in the evening.

On the third day, Yu Xue found a mutant money tree, a pot of mutant loose-tailed sunflowers, and a pot of mutant gardenias. She either added a meal for them or just cared for them.

On the fourth day, Yu Xue didn't go to the flower and bird market because she discovered a mutated oleander growing on the side of the road.

A completely mutated oleander!

Yu Xue was stunned at that moment. If it hadn't been for the strong warning from her vines, she wouldn't have believed that the entire plant had mutated.

She looked around to ensure that no one was watching, then picked a small branch from the oleander and put it in her pocket. After that, she called home.

That night, she brought the small branch and the oleander to show Duoduo.

After examining it, Duoduo confirmed that it was indeed edible.

"Are you sure oleanders are poisonous?" Yu Xue asked, expressing her concerns.

Doudou reassured her, saying, "It's safe to eat. No problem. The energy level is quite high."

"Well..." Yu Xue thought for a moment, noticing something in Doudou's expression. She decided to ask, "What's wrong?"

Yu Xue hesitated and then asked, "Can the vine acquire the characteristics of the oleander? For example, oleanders are highly poisonous and resistant to dust and toxins. In the post-apocalyptic world, even the ability to purify the air would be very useful. In short, it would be great if the vine could gain any abilities from the oleander."

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