Chapter Fifteen: The Cheer Off & A New Face

Start from the beginning

Confused, I turned to look at her and the others and I was taken aback by their facial expressions.

Zed pressed his lips together in a thin line. Bonzo scowled. Addison and Bree were glaring at something behind me, their fists were clenched so hard that their knuckles were turning white.

I was confused so I turned around. 

Now, I really wish I hadn't.

Wynter, Willa and...Wyatt were walking towards us.

"Oh you've gotta be shitting me" I muttered angrily under my breath.

While I have no problem with Wynter and Willa, given that they're still very much my besties, it doesn't mean I want to be near Wyatt.

But, given that Willa is his sister and Wynter is his friend, it makes sense why they'd be together.

I quickly turned around, practically burying my head inside my locker, fiddling with my notebooks.

"Hey, guys" Wynter nodded.

"Hey" the others greeted her in unison.

Awkward silence.

None of them knew what to say. They literally only said hi to each other before going silent.

"So, uh, are you guys coming to the cheer off?" Bree asked.

You can always count on either Bree or Addison to break the awkward silence or tension.

"Yeah, we'd never miss it" Wynter smiled gleefully.

"Awesome" Addison squealed.

Wyatt cleared his throat, turning to Zed and Bonzo.

"So, uh, guys, what's been going on?" Wyatt asked.

I heard Bonzo let out a small groan. I'm going to assume that Wyatt playfully punched his shoulder.

"Kimp simt loperpt (why did you do that?)" Bonzo asked.

His tone was anything but friendly. It was mainly filled with annoyance.

I stifled my laughter. I love that Bonzo is being mean to Wyatt because of what he did to me, he's amazing.

Wyatt cleared his throat, a little embarrassed, before walking closer to me.

I stiffened, my body immediately became tense, my hands tightening around my books.

"Ba...Malia, can we uh, can we talk?" Wyatt nervously asked.

No. No. No.

I don't want to talk to him let alone be near him. I made that very clear when I broke things off with him yesterday.

"Uh, Malia, why don't you and Bonzo head out to get some pizza?" Zed suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. You need some energy before the cheer off" Addison said.

I swallowed thickly before nodding in agreement.

I slowly closed my lockers, stuffing my hands into my pocket, looking down at the ground because I found that alot more interesting.

"Malia..." Wyatt trailed off.

"Bonzo, can we go? Please" I practically begged.

Just being here makes me uncomfortable. Especially if he's near me.

Bonzo hummed in agreement. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder as he began guiding me away from the others.

But, before we could leave, I cursed internally before slowly turning my head around to look at Wyatt.

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