Chapter Fifteen: The Cheer Off & A New Face

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Malia's Pov

I honestly didn't want to go to school. I just wanted to stay in bed and watch T.V while eating cookies.

Missy and Dale told me that if I wanted to stay home that I could. They found out from Addison about what happened between Wyatt and I.

And lets just say, Missy had to drag Dale away from the door before he could find Wyatt and beat the crap out of him.

I was completely grateful. Really, I was.

But I'm not going to hide away because I want to avoid Wyatt. I refuse to show any fear. 

I refuse to let our breakup and his stupidity get in the way.

If there's one thing my father told me is to never let fear get in the way. And I don't plan on doing that.

But can I just say that the whole day at school was awkward. Completely awkward.

So many kids were staring at me, whispering to each other, giving me looks of pity and sympathy. 

Some even gave me pats on the backs whenever they could.

Apparently, mine and Wyatt's breakup got out to everyone in school.

No surprise there. It's Seabrook after all.

Not only that, but I had to avoid Wyatt basically the entire damn day. Given that we have almost the same classes together.

I would catch him staring at me in a few classes and I had to restrain myself from looking back at him.

One of the reasons being that I just wanted to stare at him for a few seconds.

Another reason being that I wanted to march over to him and punch him in the gut.

Sadly, I couldn't do the last option. I refrained myself from doing so.

And because I didn't want to get detention.

Thankfully, I had Addison, Bree, Bonzo and Zed by my side the whole day. That's how I managed to get through this hell of a day.

Finally, classes were over. 

Not only that, but today's the day of the cheer off.

Addison, Bree, Bonzo and I had to practice one last time before getting ready. We have to win, whatever it takes.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Bree asked, for what felt like the 10th time today.

"Yes, I'm sure" I sighed in slight annoyance.

Once I was by my locker I put in the combination before opening it. I began putting all my books inside.

We're lucky that we didn't get homework from any of our teachers. Amazing, right?

"Malia, you know you don't have to do the cheer off if you don't want to" Zed softly said.

"Yeah. If you need time to rest and clear your head, that's perfectly fine" Addison softly smiled.

I sighed and turned to my best friends, offering them small smiles.

"Thanks for the offer, but really, I'm fine. And I've been waiting for this cheer off just as much as you and the other members. I'm not backing down, I'm no quitter" I explained.

Addison let out a sigh before nodding her head in understanding.

I'm not about to let my breakup with Wyatt stop me from competing in the cheer off.

I've been waiting for this moment, not to mention I'm doing the impossible move with Addison so we have a better shot at winning, I've gotta be there.

Just as I was about to close my locker, I heard Bree let out a small gasp.

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