ミ★ 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 19 ★彡

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"Y/n, wake up..!"

You slowly peeled open your eyes, "Mom..?" You sat up and looked around to see your room, so why did you hear your mom's voice? "What time even is it?" The clock read 11:27 PM meaning it's been about three hours since you fell asleep. Shoto hasn't come by yet but it doesn't sound like anyone is out in the common area right now. 

You were planning to just go back to sleep but the fact that you heard your mother's voice telling you to wake up was bothering you. The fact that you don't know why is bothering you even more. "I'm just gonna get something to drink..." You sighed and headed to the kitchen area.

But when you were making your way there, you noticed Katsuki's door was slightly open and the light was on. You thought it was probably nothing, but something was telling you to check it out and so you did. And to your surprise, he wasn't there. "Maybe he's using the bathroom or something." You looked closer and his bed was still made...

What was going on?? Where was he? You sighed and pulled out your phone. If he's still up then you should text him, right? Seems like the most logical thing to do.

where are u?
your door was open
and you weren't there

It took him a bit to respond but he eventually did

Katsu Curry >:)

where'd u go?

Katsu Curry >:)
To the convenience
store, I wanted a snack.

Oh okay...See you later then

You put your phone away. "This fucker is lying." Earlier, after you guys came back from the exam, a few of your classmates went out to get a bunch of snacks and drinks to celebrate. They bought a LOT, so there were definitely still a lot of snacks left. But why would he be lying? "I guess I don't actually know if he's lying or not... Life 360 would really come in clutch right now." You sighed and decided to use Locate, it's kinda like your own Life 360, right?

But you definitely were right about him lying, because instead of him being at the convenience store... "Ground Beta..? Why would he be there?" And he didn't seem to be alone, because your quirk picked up someone else with him. Maybe it's a date..? Kinda weird place to have a date, though. You shook your head when it clicked, could this be the thing your mom was trying to warn you about?

You still just didn't understand why he'd be there and with who?? But you did think of one person who can maybe, just maybe, have the answer: Midoriya! So you made your way up to his floor and knocked on his door. 

No response.

Maybe he was just in a deep sleep, so you knocked again to no avail. "Midoriya... It's me, Y/n." You tried once more but you still didn't get a response. You didn't even hear any shuffling in the room. You placed your hand on the door nob and twisted it. Surprisingly, it wasn't locked. "Okay... I'm coming in." You slowly opened the door, expecting to see the boy fast asleep in his bed but he wasn't there either.  

There are 21 people in your class, including you. And everyone is in their respective rooms, but the only two who aren't are Katsuki and presumably Midoriya... You know the relationship between them isn't good whatsoever, so knowing they were both at Ground Beta, the place you three had your first combat training... It made you feel uneasy. 

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