Awkward Encounter

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Disclaimer: I'm telling these stories out of order!

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Disclaimer: I'm telling these stories out of order!

This story takes place when I was taking the bus back home. Freshman year of college, It took me about two hours to get home.

In the mornings my mom and dad would drive me to campus and I wasn't embarrassed about it! I would be sleeping in the back seat because I had to wake up at 4:40am to be able to get to my 8am class.

Class would end around 5:30pm. The BART train took me about thirty-five to forty-five minutes from Oakland to Dublin. But it was another hour from the Bart station to my bus stop. I would hop onto the bus and it was usually the same bus driver. For the first twenty minutes of the bus ride I would be riding with business people who didn't live that far from the BART station. For the last forty minutes it would either only be me riding the bus or some sketchy people who would randomly hop on. Ninety-five percent of the time you would just hear them talk to themselves. The other five percent they would just stay quiet and play music out loud. 

At this time I was already telling my parents how annoyed I was getting for taking the bus because it took me two hours to get home! My dad was working on renewing his license and doing some sort of therapy to help with his back pain. He was involved in a truck driving accident earlier that year and he was temporarily disabled. It was hard for him to drive. 

One night, I was maybe half way home. A lady hopped onto the bus and she started talking to the bus driver. She starts talking about how she doesn't have anywhere to go and that her boyfriend beats her. The bus driver was trying to help her by saying that she doesn't need to get off and that she can stay on the bus as long as she wants. She basically told him that she's fine and not to worry. She later turns to me and asks if she can use my phone to make a phone call.

Honestly, I hesitated but I did let her borrow my phone. It took her maybe less than a minute. I took my phone and immediately blocked the number she dialed. She was very apprective for letting her use my phone and she hopped off the next stop.

Tip: Do I recommend that you lend your phone to a stranger... NOOO!! You never know if that person has the intention to steal or wire your phone! Thankfully I got lucky and nothing happened to me. But if you're commuting, I recommend not having your phone in clear sight of others. So if they were to ask you, you can easily say "Oh I'm sorry, my phone is dead" or "I don't have a phone."

I still had about nine more stops to go. After she got off, the bus driver started talking to me and he mentioned how nice I was for letting her borrow my phone. I kindly responded it wasn't a big deal and I was happy to help. I put my earbuds back in and patiently waited to get to my bus stop.

We eventually got there and before I could get off, the bus driver again complimented me on my good deed and decided to ask me out... I froze and I told him I wasn't interested and hoped off.

I did have to ride the bus with him two more times until my dad was finally able to pick me up from the bart station. It was really awkward those two times but thankfully those last bus rides I wasn't alone. There were other people having the same bus stop as me!

Hope you enjoyed this week's mini story, I'll see y'all soon! 


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