The whole decor of Spade's sect is my definition of old geezer shit. This is why I hate him.

He lacks taste that's for sure.

While walking with Finn I could feel the burning gaze of the commoner fighters, some bowing in respect to King and some whispering behind my back.

And that's exactly where they all belong

Behind my back.

"Cristopher, remember what I said, don't do shit that will trigger them. We didn't come here to fight" Finn stated causing me once again to roll my eyes.

"I get it jeez" I grumbled under my breath as Finn opened the giant door up ahead.

"I apologize for the inconvenience" Finn said, his voice which was obviously satcastically sweet to which made me internally snort.

And he said we didn't came here to fight

Spade only smiled as he walked towards King greeting him with a formal handshake.

"It's more of a pleasure than an inconvenience to have you here King and.." Spade looked over behind spotting me as he gaved me a smile.

It's so plastic that it could actually ruin mother nature.

"Scorpion, It's a pleasure to have you both in our humble sect" He said with a smile to which my brother returned as their hands didn't left each other.

It looks like both of their hands's veins gon pop at any minute.

The plasticism I can't-

"As much as I'd like to chat a little longger, I believe you have someone that I kindly requested to have" My brother said causing me to internally smirk.

No matter how professional Finn is, him jumping straight to the point will always remain the same.

Only after Finn asked for him that I realized we came here for one specific person.

A code red memeber.

Tho as much as I hate Spade, the fact that his desciples are one of the strongest elite groups within the academy will never change.

Let's see how far this one will last.

"Of course how could I forget, Code Eli, why don't you come here and greet our guests today" Spade said almost lovingly as we all starred at the boy, his face covered with a black eye mask and his body covered delicately in a black silk robe.

The boy- or well, Code Eli, walked slowly towards us and bowed in respect causing me to stare at him in confusion

So this is my boys's mentor?

He looks so young

This has got to be a joke.

" You're telling me that this fucking child is gonna mentor King's lovers? You've got to be kidding me" I stated, my words leaving my mouth without my permission causing Finn to look at me with a warning.

Spade on the other hand, only looked at me with a knowing smirk to which almost made me tilt my head in confusion.

I hate it when that old geezer acts like he has the upper hand in every situation.


"To heck with this! This is King we're talking about, his lovers ( and mine too) and you give him a child?!" I stated losing my cool almost instantly causing Finn to sigh in defeat while I stared at this 'code red' who was still bowing.

The Fifth Brother BXBXBXBXBNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ