Nothing Special

427 7 18

{Your POV}

"Alright, we should wrap up." I said to one of my best friend's, Maximilian Goof.

"Oh come on, five more minutes?" He said.

"Tutoring session is over. Either you wait for a little bit so I can go home, or you follow me home."

"But, fine. Dad! Can I go with Y/n!?" He asked his father across the room.

"Ahugh! I don't mind son!"

"Told ya!" He said as he smirked.

"Augh! Fine, get over here, Max!" I said as I took his hand and walked out of his house.

Max and I are inseparable. We've been friends since I ever transferred to his school back in 5th grade. He said that he felt a connection between us. Like we were mean't to be friends.

"Why do we have to always walk!?" Max groaned.

"Maxi, do you want to visit Uncle Donald?"

"Uncle Donald!? Of course!!" Maxi's face lit up.

"Then shut the fuck up and stop complaining."

"Uh- how dare you!"

I pulled his hand down making him wince.

"Dude, stop doing that!" He said.

"Well if you wanna hold my hand then I suggest you follow my orders."

"Ah! Not fair but fine!"

I chuckled, "Since when have you washed that hoodie!? You wear it like if it was your signature look!"

"Cuz' it is!" Max said proudly.

"What the-"

I smiled and glanced at the glasses store.

"Oh yeah! I gotta pick up some prescribed glasses for Uncle Donald!" I said while running inside the store.

"Yes! We get to visit Uncle Donald!" Max said as I dragged him inside.

I saw 3 other people in there, a mug, a cup, and the attendant. The cup and mug seemed like brothers.

"Oh! Y/n, I guess you're here for-"

"Uncle Donald's prescribed glasses!" Max, the attendant, and I all perfectly synced.

"Oh, you are always my favorite customer, where's Chalice?" She asked.

"She left home yesterday, God, who knows where she runs off to." I chuckled.

"Well, here you go!" Ms. Screw said as she handed me a box.

"Thank you, Ms. Screw!"

"Anytime, Sweetheart! Take care of them, Maxi!" She said.

"Oh, don't worry, I will!" Max chuckled.

"Oh, before I forget." I grinned and started dancing, which charmed Ms. Screw even more.

"Aww, you're such a charmer, just like your sister!" She said while handing me 2 pairs of glasses.

"Oh, thank you!"

"No problem! Now hurry up! You don't want to keep Mr. Donald waiting now, do you?" She said, smiling happily.

"Nope! Come on, let's go, Maxi!" I dragged Max out of there and gave him the box.

"I'll let you do the honors of taking this back to Uncle Donald. And you get to keep the other pair of glasses."

"Thanks, Y/n! I'll be back!" He said while running 2 blocks away from me.

I got on my phone and texted him.

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