Hunters Become The Hunted

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Among the vast arid desert of Afghanistan there was a large, fairly well placed compound. A few miles away stood a squad of American Marines and British servicemen, their orders were to capture the compound from hostile forces and retrieve intelligence by any means on the terror organisations next moves but were ambushed before even setting eyes on their target, amidst the fighting several soldiers were either killed or wounded forcing the squadron to abandon the mission and get to a relatively safe area before calling for MEDEVAC choppers to collect the wounded. In the middle of the frantic call-outs from squad members came a call for Close air support from any nearby fighters.

Three Hours Earlier

An American pilot walked into a conference room and was greeted by a British pilot and the WSO assigned to him, the American scoffed in arrogance believing himself to be a better pilot. The two British pilots were sat casually in chairs awaiting the briefing while the American waited for his comrade. A few minutes later the other American walked in before speaking up.

"Why the fuck are them two here, you lost looking for the kettle or something?"

The American asked as he pointed to the door, both of the Brits rolled their eyes out of disappointed and watched Four other pilots walk in. It peaked their interest as they finally spoke up.

"What are you guys doing here? We were told this was a joint operation, we weren't told about other country units"

The pilot said as he stood up, he saw the two different patches of Japan and South Korea before adding everything up, a joint operation. He suspected that Japan and Korea had similar interests in Afghanistan but didn't jump to the conclusion. The base commander walked in with a few files in his hand before starting the briefing.

"Settle down, I know you may have questions as to why you're here, that reason is because the four governments of which you now represent have formed an alliance, you are to be the first of many joint operation strike groups, these strike groups will be categorised Into; Land, Sea and Air groups. You are the first air group to be assembled. Flight Lieutenant Joshua Harris, you are to command the unit. I know the other pilots are also Flight Lieutenants and that one of them is more experienced but he requested command be given to you"

The base commander said as the briefing was only to be a patrol, their aircraft were still fitted with air to air and air to ground ordinance just in case, as the battlefield is an ever changing environment. The strike group were to utilise F-15E Strike Eagles with a Grey and Red colour scheme, there was a Wolf head emblem on the tails and the word


Above the emblem. The pilots and WSO's names were on each aircraft by the cockpit. However they would use their TAC-names during flight. Joshua, the American pilot climbed into his aircraft along with his Back seater before calling out to the others in his squadron.

"Don't get in my way and follow orders got it? And as for the Asians. Don't shoot down the wrong guys OK?"

Josh said in a commanding tone as the British pilot was the first to respond. He didn't like being ordered by someone he knew wasn't as experienced.

"Listen mate, don't be a twat and we're fine. Everyone here is here for a reason. So don't give me a reason to shoot you down OK?"

The Japanese and South Korean pilots both acknowledged not being the type of people to initiate an argument. They waited in line for takeoff and as soon as they were airborne formed up in a 4 man flight formation with two aircraft slightly behind the lead and to either side with the 4th the same to the Wingman of the lead aircraft. Their patrol was quiet for the most part, not meeting any form of hostilities for hours... Until the call for air support reached the base and then was relayed to the squadron.

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