1: lake of life

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I fell into the life river falling endlessly into its depth. As I fell I could sight diverse creatures and lifetimes of all that were living and lived.

I fell alongside some others who were curious to go to earth. We kept falling patiently waiting for Laila and her angels to decide our fate. It was my turn as Laila took me to the destiny room where I picked a strand of a slave girl becoming a great Merchantress

All I remember was falling into a deep abyss and then waking up with tears as a little boy in the hands of a shabby Maiden. I tried to speak but my voice was uttered as cries and wails came out. She drew me close to herself and wiped the blood off my body with her taffeta. I tried to speak to her but she couldn't but push her breast into my mouth.

I wanted to ask so many questions, like why was I a boy when I picked to be a girl. It seems my fate on earth has been altered. I was supposed to be a girl and I was a boy then my entire memory of my past life dissolved into nothingness.

Falling through the depths of the life river had been a surreal experience, and my descent into the realm of Earth was equally bewildering. The memories of my celestial existence faded like a distant dream as I emerged into a new life as Akanni, a little boy born into the Ajagun clan in the heart of Ile Ife, Nigeria.

My new surroundings were vastly different from the celestial realm I had known. I was no longer an ethereal being but a fragile, crying infant in the arms of a shabby maiden. Confusion washed over me as I tried to speak, only to produce cries and wails. The maiden, my earthly mother, held me close, continuing  in wiping the blood from my tiny body with her taffeta.

As I gazed up at her with innocent eyes, I couldn't help but wonder about the mysteries of this new world. Why had I been born as a boy when I had chosen to be a girl in the celestial realm? It seemed that my fate had been altered, and the memories of my previous life were slipping away like sand through my fingers.

My earthly family, the Ajagun clan, welcomed me into their midst with love and pride. My mother, in particular, treated me with special reverence, exalting me among my siblings. Her words, spoken with deep affection, were filled with pride and expectation. "Akanni, omo Ajiferuke, omo to bori aye, To tuń bori orun. Ajanaku ogun," she declared, bestowing upon me a name and a legacy that I was yet to fully understand.

As I grew and began to navigate the complexities of human existence, I carried with me the lingering sense of my celestial origins. The memories of the life river and the choices I had made in the celestial realm remained a distant echo in the depths of my consciousness, a reminder of a world I had left behind.

In the bustling town of Ile Ife, amidst the traditions and customs of the Yoruba people, I embarked on a new journey of discovery. The mysteries of my earthly existence awaited, and I was determined to uncover the truth about my altered fate and the role I was meant to play in this world.

A decade  later;

"Akanni oo omo ajiferuke, omo to bori aye To tuń bori orun. Ajanaku ogun," Mother exalted me amongst my siblings like a king although they were my senior but she gave no caution to their perception. I was still in the corner smiling to her words but pretending not to, to avoid being bullied by my brothers.

"Akanni oo my father called out to me and I ran as fast as I could. He had just returned from hunting and had brought a grass cutter. My brothers behind were jubilating. It was not common for Father to catch such a game. And anytime he did the whole family rejoiced.

My father Ajiferuke has seven wives not minding how not rich we are. But magically he is able to sustain all of them without any complaint.

As I watched my father with admiration, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the life I had been given on Earth. It was a life filled with the love of family, the traditions of our people, and the opportunity to grow and learn. While my celestial origins remained a hidden secret, I embraced my role as Akanni in the Ajagun clan, eager to uncover the truths of this earthly existence that awaited me.

Little did I know that my journey was far from over and that my unique blend of celestial and earthly experiences would shape my destiny in ways beyond my imagination.

Years rolled by, and I continued to grow into a strong and curious young boy. My fascination with the world around me led me to explore the dense forests, the vibrant markets, and the colorful festivals of Ile Ife. The town was steeped in rich traditions, and every corner held a new adventure waiting to be discovered.

Despite our modest means, my family was content, and our home was filled with laughter and warmth. My father's wisdom and my mother's love had instilled in me a sense of purpose and gratitude for the life I had been given. I cherished the bonds with my siblings and the stories my father shared about our ancestors and their remarkable feats.

Yet, as the years passed, the distant memories of the celestial realm continued to haunt me. The unanswered questions about my altered fate gnawed at my soul. Why had I chosen to be a girl, only to be born as a boy on Earth? What was the significance of my celestial journey and the destiny I had selected in the destiny room?

One night, as I lay under the starlit sky, I felt an inexplicable longing for answers. The twinkling stars seemed to whisper secrets of the cosmos, and I couldn't help but wonder if my celestial origins held the key to my earthly purpose.

With determination burning in my heart, I made a silent promise to myself. I would embark on a quest to uncover the truth about my celestial past and the destiny that had led me to Earth. It was a journey that would take me beyond the boundaries of Ile Ife, into the unknown realms of ancient mysteries and hidden truths.

As I continued to grow older, I found myself drawn more and more to feminine expressions and attire. I couldn't resist the allure of my mother's iro and bubba, the traditional Yoruba clothing worn by women. Whenever I had the chance and no one was watching, I would sneak into her room and try on her garments, feeling a sense of comfort and belonging that I couldn't explain.

I also started to pay attention to the intricacies of feminine mannerisms, learning to mimic the graceful gestures and poise of the women in our community. I was captivated by the artistry of adorning oneself with tiro and Osun powder, and I began experimenting with these cosmetics, secretly applying them to enhance my appearance.

It wasn't long before my feminine inclinations became noticeable to my brothers. They started to tease and taunt me, calling me all sorts of derogatory names due to my effeminate behavior.

"Akanni o ma n sebi obinrin," Adeife, one of my older brothers, remarked one day as we were all playing the traditional Yoruba game of Fami-nfa. His words stung, and I could feel the weight of his judgment bearing down on me. "Akanni acts like a woman," they would say, and their laughter would echo through our home.

Despite the teasing and the pressure to conform to traditional gender roles, I couldn't suppress my true self. I felt a deep connection to the feminine aspects of life, as if they held the missing pieces of my identity. It was as if a part of me had been left behind in the celestial realm, and I was yearning to reclaim it on Earth.

As I navigated the complexities of my dual existence, I knew that my journey of self-discovery was far from over. The whispers of my celestial past and the mysteries of my earthly destiny continued to beckon me, urging me to embrace my true nature, no matter the challenges that lay ahead.

Ishtar: The Reincarnationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें