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Quahog, Rhode Island.

It was a small town off the east coast of the US. It was one you proud to call it your home. Of course, despite being a small town it sure wasn't quiet. Talking animals, constant celebrity visits and regularly occurring cataclysmic events were all among the norm here. A few years back some genius built a comically large boomerang and shot himself in it towards the hospital only to destroy part of the children's wing then fly back. That same hospital wing was also bombed for unknown reasons years later too.

You also recall someone obtaining a life-size replica of the Hindenburg and crashing it into their neighbour's house. How they even got hold of such a ship was beyond you.

However, despite all that went on in Quahog it was a nice place. Well, that and the cheap housing prices. There was a meth epidemic and crime wave here some time ago that crashed the entire market. Suffice to say you were able to get a decently sized house for cheap.

The past few days had been spent preparing for the upcoming hurricane Michael Caine, not to be confused with hurricane Dean Caine. Record rains, power outages and furious winds were on their way. At least it wasn't as bad as Hurricane Flozelle from a few years ago. You recall that one completely destroying the town and relocating it to Washington, DC.

You had evacuated yesterday just as the pitch black clouds and howling winds started rolling in.

It had now been a day since the city had started its battle with Michael Caine. You were completely safe out in Farmton with some relatives. It was far enough out that the water couldn't reach it.

Much as you 'enjoyed' staying out in the middle of Farmton you were more concerned about what had happened to your house. Also finding out if there was anyone stranded but mostly your house. Judging from the radio there weren't any rescue crews going back in.

You figured most of the city had been washed away anyways but it was worth a look.

So you borrowed a small fishing boat and dropped it in the edge of the floodwaters. You were now sailing the 'Quahog Sea', trying to make your way to your house. You kept a shortwave radio on the news just to hear if any updates were given out.

The rain had overtaken properties and streets, drowning them in water. Street signs were still visible so you at least knew where you were.

You spot a sign; you had just entered a street a few blocks from your house.

Spooner Street.

Now Playing...

Artist: Squid on the Grid

Song: Thank You Longyou

The road was on higher land so the tide wasn't as high but you doubted any of the houses here would survive without water damage. The city had been issued evacuation orders this morning so predictably there wasn't a soul in sight. The power had been knocked out at some point too. The only light present was from the sun, buried behind dark clouds.

It gave everything a grey haze to it.

You sat on the boat seat, full raincoat on as the rain lightly fell. No point in turning on the engine, the tide was taking you in the direction you wanted.

Though windy out here, it wasn't strong enough to make you uncomfortable. It was very cold though. Even with a full yellow raincoat and windbreaker it wasn't enough. It was quite chilly out.

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