No one, not even someone dreading asking their friend if they were the Heir of Slytherin, could fail to enjoy Christmas dinner at Hogwarts.

The Great Hall looked magnificent. Not only were there a dozen frost-covered Christmas trees and thick streamers of Holly and mistletoe crisscrossing the ceiling, but enchanted snow was falling, warm and dry. Dumbledore led them in a few of his favorite carols, Hagrid booming more and more loudly as he drank More eggnog.

Delilah didn't even care that Draco didn't like her Weasley sweater, which was a size too big, just like she liked them. She had offered to let him wear it whenever he wanted but he just blushed and looked away.

They finished eating and left Crabbe and Goyle, who were eating ridiculous amounts of dessert.

"Draco, you go ahead, I need to check something."

He nodded and Delilah doubled back to the Gryffindor table.

"Hey! Nice sweaters!" she cheerfully said.

"Yours isn't too shabby either." Fred grinned.

"Can I kidnap Ginny for a minute? I need to ask her a girl question," Delilah asked.

"What ques-" George started.

"Sure, and I don't want to know," Harry interrupted with a knowing look. He probably thought she meant a different, non-deadly question.

Delilah grabbed Ginny's hand and walked with her into an empty classroom a little way off of the Great Hall.

"So, I've noticed that you've been acting slightly... suspicious," Delilah said. "And I wanted to ask... it's weird but... are you the one doing the attacks?"

Ginny froze, her eyes widened with tears.

"H-how did you know? P-please don't tell anyone!"

Delilah looked at her friend.

"I won't, but why are you doing it?"

"I-I don't want to, m-my diary is m-making me," Ginny confessed.

"Then get rid of the diary."

She looked down.

"I'll t-try."

Ginny started to leave, but Delilah held her back.

"Ginny, you need to get rid of it. It's dangerous. Promise you will get rid of it and never use it again."

Ginny hesitated, before growing determined.

"I won't."

They each left for their separate common rooms once Ginny had regained her composure.

Delilah met Crabbe and Goyle in the entrance hall.

"Finally finished eating? I thought you'd be in there until the food disappeared." Delilah raised an eyebrow at them.

"Er, we were," Goyle said, awkwardly.

"Well then, why aren't you headed towards the common room? You're heading the completely wrong way."

"We — um — forgot," Crabbe said, looking at the ground.

Delilah rolled her eyes. "Again? I've already shown you three times this week!"

She turned and headed to the common room.

"Pureblood." Delilah walked into the common room and sat by Draco. Crabbe and Goyle sat on the couch opposite them.

Delilah turned to Draco, preparing her lie. "I was wrong, sorry to get your hopes up." She glanced at Crabbe and Goyle. Why were they sticking around? Usually they just kept to themselves.

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