chapter 4-the birthday disaster

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A/N-TW-child abuse,substance missuse,swearing,drinking

Tubbos pov
So yn is one well i guess i should expalin that past year.

Well i officially dropped out of school at 13 after like a month I started to find bruises on yn and wine glasses in the sink.I put some cameras around the house and found Slachtt drinking and hitting my sister.

Now its April 10th yn birhtday.I cant believe its been a year.(A/N I thought of a random date ok.)Now i am 14 it was esay to get a job my aunt Puffy helped me find a babysitting job.

Now yn is ummm intelligent at just 4 months she took her first steps(which i recored)and now she can sort of speak which is cute but yeah.

Now I threw a party for my her birthday i put a chair up the door incase Slachtt tries to get in cuz i saw him drink way to much and took some drugs idk what type.

"Happy birthday yn you are one today." "Me one today Bee?"I give out a little laugh she is so cute I want a kid one day."Yes the big 1 heres your present."I give her a bee plush cuz well i love bees who doesn't"Thwank you Bee.""No problem pup."Thats my nickname for my sister as she is half wolf uts dont show through but she is playfull like one.

I turned on a little music player thing(i forgot what that are called someone tell me)and we danced about to the music untill I hear what I hoped I wouldn't.


Jslachtts steps comeing up the steps.I quickly turned of the music yn was conufsed to why I did it"Why Bee turn music of."Just then we hear a horrifying


"TUBBO OPEN THIS DOOR THIS FUCKING SECOND."I looked over to yn she was terrified I knew it was only seconds till Jslachtt broke the door open I had to act quick so I opened the window and hid in the wardrobe with yn cluching her Bee plush.Like right as I closed the door to the wardrobe the door to the room went flying off its hinges."Tubbooo yn where are youuu."Of course this bitch is drunk I saw him look at the window and mutter something about these fucking kids and how he was going to kill us.Mostly me.

He left hopefully i can get out of here soon but that may mean leaveing yn behind.But thats a last resort it wont come to that right....right

Hi hope you enjoy this chapter also happy birthday to Georgenotfound and for tomorrow happy birthday to Ranboo enjoy your days boys and happy birthday its your birthday and remember to eat,sleep and drink byee.
Word count-480

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