Chapter Thirteen

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Edited: This chapter is now edited but if any wrong grammar is spotted, please let me know in the comments, thanks!!


Matteo's POV:

I was surrounded by paperwork and I might have made one or two mistakes by written her name in them.

Gosh she's just in my head like swarm of bees, and I can't just get enough of the stupid stinging pain.


'Bring her to my office. ' I mind link Eli.

'Sure alpha. ' he replied.

As I continued working I would raise my head up to see if they've arrived.

I just sighed over and over again.

'She's here. ' he said.

'I want to be alone with her. ' I said needy in my tone.

She stepped in and looked back to a smirking Eli.

He should stop getting too comfy with her, she's mine!

Wait- what did I just say?!

'Just ignore it. ' Red said.

"What do you want? " she said helping herself to my couch without asking.

Oh well, everything here is hers anyways.

"Just a reminder about staying in the cottage and being a member. " I said and she just rolled her eyes at me.

Her beautiful ey- shut up!!

"You still think am gonna say yes? You can't do the ceremony if am not happy with being your member, it won't work. " she said.

She's right about that, but when will she ever be happy with anything that comes out my mouth?!

She's just so stubborn.

'Or maybe you are or maybe you both! ' Red said.

Oh shut up!

"I was just asking, what will make you change your mind? " I asked looking at her.

She seem like she was think but quickly asks "Why do you need me to be your member so desperately? " "are you lacking members now? " she asked again.

This is gonna be hard, but it's just enough if I get to see her face.

"No am not lacking members, I just don't want to let you out of my sight. " I said.

Only goddess knows if you won't reject me the moment you step foot out of this pack, gosh!

"I believe you haven't answered my questions yet. " I said looking at her.

"Nothing, nothing will make me be your member. Let me go. " she said bluntly.

Well typical her. No way I'm letting you go.

But not in the couple type of way you maybe thinking it.

I chuckled humorless and said "No."

She laughs and looks at me glaring.

"Well we can do this all day big guy. " she said still on my couch.

Big guy?

I sighed and sat back on my chair.

"What if I stay on that cottage but not as your member? " she asked.

Well if I don't know better, you'll escape thinking I am so dumb.

Baby girl you ain't that smart.

I hummed and said "How will i be sure you won't run away? "

She smiled and said "Well then again, we can go on all day big guy. "

I like that name, sort of.

'Come and take her back, she's being annoying. ' I mind link my Beta, Eli.

'Okay alpha. ' he replied.

Just few minutes and he was walking in, she looked at him and then at me standing up.

"Oh so you want to send me back to my cell? " she asked.

"Take her. " I told Eli.

I can't bear her anymore.

"You do know that at some point I will escape and that staying in the cell makes me bored, right? " she asks.

"Yes I know, if you don't want to be a member or say you won't run away, you'll be staying there. " I said and signalled for him to take her but as my luck would have it she continues to blabber.

She glared and laughed humorless and said "You're missing out on how fun and good it is to have your mate, learn from your Beta and younger sister. "

I know am missing out, but at the same time I like it.

Don't want to be stuck with a blabber, now do I?

She started walking away but turns like she just remembers something.

Then smirks at me.

"I know your name now. " she said sinisterly.

My eyes shot up and I looked at her.

Who the fuck told her?!!

"Who told you? " I gritted.

She laughs and looked at Eli.

I looked at him and glared making him shimmy backwards.

"His mate. " she said and laughed.

"You will not use it to reject me, gabby. " I said commanding her.

She's knows better than to do so... Right?

'Well if she does I'll blame you for the rest of our lives and make sure you don't get peace. ' Red threatens.

She looks at me and then at Eli and started walking towards him.

"Maybe, oh and don't call me gabby, only close people do and you're not considered to be one. " she said leaving the office.

I was hurt to say the least.

She really does not consider me to be that close, i guess.

'Well not I blame, ugh I hate so much now. I sometimes wonder why the moon goddess-'

Shut up Red!

But she turned back and looked at me saying "You'll regret rejecting me physically. "

Oh I already do sweetheart and I want to fuck you senseless but I have to hold myself.

But am guessing that won't happen anytime soon, ugh!

She locked the door behind her and I can hear the small talk she was saying to Eli.

Gosh she smells good.

Chocolate and mango, good!

Fuck me for liking her!


Hi there, I can see all the reads pumping up, just wanna say thanks!

Let me know which country you're from and be honest.

Please Vote and Follow, thanks!

I'm from Africa, love y'all!


Edited: 05/05/2023

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