The chefs were taken aback by his resolve. All except for Patty, who knocked Sanji to the ground with a blow to the head. "Sanji, I know you feed customers who can't pay," he began, "And I've never had a huge problem with that. But this time, you've gone too far. Your actions are going to cost us this restaurant. I won't let that happen. If you're just going to stand there like an idiot, I'll protect Baratie myself." He pulled the cloth off of the item he was carrying, revealing an odd looking red bazooka. "Hey Krieg, are you finished with your meal? How about some dessert!?" he said as he aimed the bazooka at Krieg and shot. It hit him dead on in the chest, and Krieg was sent hurtling back against the guardrail outside. "That takes care of that," Patty said with finality.

"You might want to double check that," Zoro suggested, and Patty looked at him as if he was insane before a familiar voice made him reconsider.

"That was the worst dessert I've ever had," Don Krieg said as he walked through the ruined entrance. His overcoat and cape had been blown off, and what remained was a gold colored suit of steel armor.

The chefs all got over their shock and charged, intent on taking out the pirate captain who was threatening their way of life. This proved to be a mistake as his battle armor produced a multitude of guns from hidden compartments and started shooting at them. They would have been skewered had it not been for a sudden wind blowing the bullets off course. In front of the chefs stood a single green-haired man with one sword out of three raised, one of their customers. Krieg looked at him in slight surprise. "You're that Pirate Hunter guy," Krieg said in apathy, taking note of his other two swords.

"I was," Zoro replied. Their conversation was interrupted as Zeff calmly walked in front of Zoro and set down a large white bag.

"This is food for 100 men," he said. "Bring it to your crew."

"Owner Zeff!" Patty shouted. "Have you gone crazy!? If his crew recovers as well, they'll take this restaurant for sure!"

Krieg's eyes widened. "Did you say Zeff?"

"That's only if they have the guts to take it," Zeff responded evenly. He turned to Krieg. "Isn't that right, Grand Line dropout?" Mutterings broke out throughout the restaurant. Even the king of East Blue couldn't make it through?

"You're...Red Leg Zeff," Krieg muttered in shock.

"I am," he replied. "Do you have some sort of business with me?"

Krieg smirked. "Actually, yes. You were able to sail the Grand Line and survive. Rumor has it that you kept a logbook of your travels. Hand it over," Krieg demanded.

"I refuse," he replied evenly. "That logbook is the pride of my crew. I won't give to the likes of you."

"Then I'll steal it! I'm not defeated yet," Krieg insisted. "I had the power. I had the forces. I had the ambition. The only thing I lacked going into that sea was information. If I get that logbook, I'll easily be able to conquer the Grand Line!"

"The only thing you need to conquer is your own ego. It'll get you killed one day." All eyes turned to the new voice. It was another customer, the Straw Hat guy.

"What was that, punk? Would you like to say that again?" Krieg growled threateningly.

"I'm not gonna repeat myself just because you're too stupid to understand simple words the first time," Luffy said in a bored tone. The entire restaurant was silent. Did this kid have a death wish?

Rather than get angry, Krieg just smirked. "You're gonna wish you'd kept your mouth shut just now, you little shit. I'm gonna go feed my men. After that, you'll learn exactly why people fear me." He walked out of the restaurant, the bag of food slung over his shoulder. The restaurant immediately dissolved into chaos.

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