Start from the beginning

Her heart sank even further when Snape joined them outside the gargoyle. Whatever Dumbledore wanted, it was big. And Clia couldn't help but think that she should have stayed at camp.

She didn't want to be part of this, whatever 'this' was. She have too many things in her hands right now, especially when it was only a matter of time before Percy turn 16. Only a few months from now.

Biting back a sigh, Clia nevertheless followed her professors up the stairs, knowing that there was no point in running.

Doing her best to school her face into a blank mask, Clia watched as McGonagall knocked briskly on the door before entering.

Seeing the way Dumbledore's face lit up when he saw her, Clia just knew that she's doomed. Oh, how much Clia wanted to wipe that disgusting face off. Especially that dam twinkle in his eyes.

Clia declined the lemon drop the old coot offered her and took a seat between McGonagall and Malfoy senior. Snape didn't bother to take a seat at all; he merely walked over to lean against the wall with a dark scowl on his face.

'Why do I have a feeling that I knew this would happen?' Clia thought

"Albus, if you could please tell us what this is about? Classes will start tomorrow and there is so much to do to prepare" McGonagall prodded when it seemed that Dumbledore was lost in thought and in no hurry to start the meeting.

"Ah, yes, my apologies; but you see, a most wondrous thing happened tonight" Dumbledore said, looking straight at Clia.

"Congratulations" Clia said with a sarcastic smile, feeling that some sort of response was expected of her. She bit back a sneer and keep her gaze on Dumbledore's shoulder.

No way in Atlantis was she going to allow the Headmaster free reign to her mind, but she wasn't about to appear to be cowed by him either.

"Yes, yes, congratulations indeed" Dumbledore said happily. "You see, young Mr. Malfoy here is part Veela, as you might already have heard. And he has just found his mate"

Slowly, Clia turned her head and looked at Malfoy who was sitting next to his father and looking at her with strange mix of longing and yearning in his eyes, along with hope.

Clia had a sinking feeling she knew just who the blond's mate is. Letting her eyes close and her head drop, Clia took a deep breath, trying to sort out what exactly she was feeling.

"Wonderful! The Fates really enjoy kicking me in the teeth, don't they?' she thought resentfully, not exactly thrilled by this revelation.

But then she froze. Apollo and Aphrodite's word came to her dream. The god and goddess has turn up in her dream, telling her that something will happen once she came back at Hogwarts that will change her life for the better.

She have thought what the two said. On what could possibly will happen to change her life, and this didn't even came in her mind.

Her Slytherin side then kicked in, eagerly telling her of all the benefits and possibilities that would open up to her if she got the Malfoys on her side. If nothing else, they should be strong enough to tell Dumbledore to go fly a kite.

'Wait, what if this is just a way to get their hands on you so that they can deliver you to their master?' her demigod side then argued.

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