Slow & Steady

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Today is the day. From Unemployed to Employed. How exciting.

I woke up, and did my daily stretch. Ive been doing it since i was 15, for a sole purpose; to make myself taller. Scientifically, its not proven  to be true but i did notice i grew taller a bit though. So i kept on doing it. Now i'm at 160cm from 157cm!

I filled my bathtub with warm water and tied my hair in a bun. The showering process takes about 25 minutes for me, gotta enjoy every bit of that moment right.

Once i'm all cleaned up, i wore a red dress, slightly above knee length, bought by my mother for my 24th birthday :) Did my make up, hair and yada yada. Most important part, i sprayed my all time favorite perfume; Carolina Herrera, Good Girl.

"Ciao Mama, i'll be back at 10 pm!""Stay safe Mary! Love you! And all the best!!" My mom calls me by Mary

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Ciao Mama, i'll be back at 10 pm!"
"Stay safe Mary! Love you! And all the best!!"
My mom calls me by Mary. As of my dad, it's Anavrin, and my little sister, Amanda, 6, calls me by Nav.

I gave her a big hug and she pecked me on my forehead.

The en route to the headquarters at Surrey takes about 15 minutes from my home by walking. I do have a driving license, and yes i can drive. However, today's weather is really cool and breezy. Taking a walk would be really refreshing to start of my day positively.

On my way heading there, a middle aged lady who works at my favourite café greeted me with a hello. Well, thats new. I greeted her back with a smile.

"You look really beautiful today dear, whats the occasion?"
"Ah, thank you. Nothing much, just my first day of work!"
"Congratulations dear! All the best alright. Where are you working exactly?"

Do i tell her? Its a private information though. But i would sound arrogant if i didn't tell. Ah fuck, what do i say.

The hesitant look at my face made her guess the dilemma i was in.

"Oh, if it's private to you, its totally fine!"
"Conrad" I replied immediately, while cracking a tiny smile.

"Oh dear, i told you its fine if you dont want to tell. But since you mentioned, i heard he's a scary one!"

"Who are we talking about?"

"Your CEO? You don't know about him?"

"No, and what's up with him?" I asked in worry.

"Oh, it's nothing but i just heard that he is one fine man, but he wants a 100% performance from his employees" She said while smirking.
"But looking at you, i think you'd be an exception to him dear." She said while giving me a soft slap at my shoulder with a smile.

"Ha...?" I replied, super confused.
"How naice you are. Anyway, you better get going. I wish you all the best again!"

"Oh right.. right thank you so much aunty!"

Huh, weird. Exception. Why. Because im a newbie? And i cant be at par with the company? :(.

As i was thinking about what she said, i reached the headquarters without even realising. So deep in thoughts.

I took a deep breath. "Anavrin, you can. Get in there and kick their asses with your capabilities. Prove them wrong."

I entered with right foot and good lord, what a majestic office. Tall windows, crystal clear floor, unique reception and the overall layout, god, i never imagined it to be this exquisite. Wow.

I walked slowly towards the reception centre while admiring the architecture of the building.

"Hello there miss, anything i can help you with?" A woman in her early 30s asked me. Her bright red lipstick and neatly tied hair, gave a first positive impression to me.

"Hi yes, um, I'm Anavrin and I justgot sccepted here yesterday. Is Andrew Clarke here?"

"Andrew's office is at the 3rd floor, you may use the lift right there." She said with a very sweet smile.

"Right, thank you"

The lift itself is so grand and modern. If i got stuck in there, i wouldn't actually mind.

*ding, 3rd floor*

I stepped out of the lift and god damn, the aromatic smell of this office is something else. Makes me wanna start working right now.
As i was trying to find Andrew, a man in blue shirt and black slacks yelled my name from afar.

I turned around with a confused face while he walks rushingly towards me.

"Anavrin Mary Elizabeth right? I'm Andrew Clarke"

"Oh god, you scared me" I chuckled.
"Sorry I was in a rush just now" He replied with a laugh.

Andrew Clarke, maybe around 38 years old, cool style, speaks like a Gen Z, and soft spoken. I can feel we're becoming good friends already.

"Alright since you are here and ready, I think i can start to shift you to your senior chief analytics, Mrs Grosjean."

"Hey hey Grosjean, got a new fellow here for you" Andrew said while teasing her.

"Anavrin, I suppose?"

"BINGO! Youre so smart g" Andrew replied in excitement.

"I seriously gotta get going, Ivan is calling me urgently. If i dont get there, im getting nothing but nightmares. You take care of her alright, she's got potential. Ciao ciao." He said while patting my back and left immediately.

"Andrew. Ugh. Just like lightning." Grosjean said under her breath.

"Anyway hello Anavrin. Mary. Elizabeth. What do i call you?"
"Anything you're comfortable with!"
"Anavrin it is. Have a seat while i complete your work file for you"

I took a sit gently on the expensive-looking chair while waiting patiently for her.

"Also hey i gotta advice you on something." She whispered to me with a slightly worried face.

Truth or Dare?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ