Level 2.

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Alarix yawned, toppling off of her uneven and stained mattress, She rose slowly as she peeked out of the small long window lining the top of her wall. She was just tall enough without her combat boots to look out from it.

"Hmm." She uttered, grazing her cold white hand across her face, As she questioned going out to look for weapons today. She briefly brushed her hair out of get eyes and sauntered over to her abandoned bathroom.

Once she reached the mirror she brushed her teeth with what little toothpaste she owned and gazed back at herself in the mirror. Alarix's entire midsection was bionic, covered with white and metal plates in the shape of rib bones and other vital organs. Alarix was massively injured around the age of 15, by enemy bomb. It killed both of her parents and ravaged her life of any joy in the process. Due to new age technology she was given a new chance at life. She even had a spine, it consisted of cables and wire. knotted together with a ziptie she had found while looking for combat boots in the street. *

Her face was round and symmetrical, She wore a short white chin length bob which complimented her while skin nicely. Her eyes where a striking red, on the darker end of the scale.

Alarix grasped some old eyeliner and quickly lined the corners of her eyes, ruffling her hair slightly into a neater fashion, jaunting into the bedroom.

"Mmh, Good enough."

* Inspiration for torso

Ever since war broke out in aeli, People have been massively effected by poverty and many other inconveniences, Blue smog hung over the city no matter the hour and the citizens morale was no brighter

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Ever since war broke out in aeli, People have been massively effected by poverty and many other inconveniences, Blue smog hung over the city no matter the hour and the citizens morale was no brighter. The war had been around longer than most people's lives in aeli. In a way Alarix always found it sad that no one; ( including herself ) had known any different.

Her train of thought was broken when she heard a knock towards the front of the one bedroom apartment. She advanced slowly, keeping her back end to the floor to make minimal noise,

"Yes?" Alarix yelled from a few feet away, Still uncomfortable about being displayed to a possible stranger in her sleepwear, She rose an eyebrow when there was no response.

Alarix flew towards the wall of the far side of the apartment. her wires dug painfully into her back. The sound of glass breaking and confusion flooded her senses.  Alarix summoned enough strength to look forwards, She realised the door and hallway had been blown off of her apartment, Instead of a door, a figure in black stood, Surrounded by the dust and interworkings of her wall that had one been there. It was only when she blinked did she realise the person was trambling over to her menacingly.
Her vision faded slowly, Like a flickering candle that had been left out in a room too long.  She didn't remember the next part. All she could grasp mentally was the feeling of being carried away.

516 words ! Come back for pt 2 ?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2022 ⏰

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