Three wishes one outcome

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        She only had so much left in her as she took another slap from the cold hand. No, usually she was not hit, or touched in anyway. 'Their' hands are to precious to come in contact with anything like hers. She was use to the verbal’s. But in a way, she preferred the beating much, much more. Because the verbal’s, they take a chunk out of heart. They leave her fragile body, hollow on the inside, with nothing but bones. She is left with no feelings, she is left with no emotion.

         But with the in contact abuse, she was feeling something. And that’s when something inside her opened up. She had come to find she liked the pain. She thought it made her stronger, and on top of that, it felt great. But like I said, 'their' hands are to precious to come in contact with her. So this beating, the one that changed her, is a once in a lifetime deal. But that's all it took, because their are ways to hurt, to feel pain when you need it. She can cause a fight at school And sit their as a fist makes contact with her lip, stomach, face, or whatever gets hit. She can go to dangerous places and get jumped In a dark ally, and wake up in a dumpster feeling light. She could dress up in almost nothing, and go to a lonely man with a lust for the young. She could even do it the old fashion way and take a blade to her skin. But no matter what, this is how she became a addict. A addict to pain.

Three wishes one outcomeWhere stories live. Discover now