"We'll be in the car." Juliette said. The two Originals walked out of the house calmly as the girls screaming could be heard from inside.


The three were driving for a while before they finally found the 'Southern Comfort' and they immediately spotted Ray by the bar when they walked in.

"Go talk to him, get him to like you," Klaus told Juliette.

She looked to him in shock. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me," He said. "Go over to him and get him to like you." She stood there and looked at him in shock.

Juliette scoffed. "This is sexual harassment," She snarled before walking over to the bar. She sat down next Ray and ordered a bourbon. "Hey," She said, with the fakest smile you've ever seen.

He looked her up and down. "hey," He replied. "What's a pretty girl like you doing out here all by yourself, huh?"

Juliette had to restrain the urge not to rip his throat out right there and then. "Oh, you know, got bored of driving and decided I needed a little drink. Thank you," She thanked the waiter who gave her the drink.

"The name's Ray Sutton," He introduced himself with a disgusting smile. He then put his hand on her thigh. Juliette physically wanted to throw up, what guy moves this fast with a girl?

"You travel much?" She asked him causally and took a sip of her drink.

He nodded his head. "Yeah, I'm never really home. I'm on the road mostly." His hand inched further up her thigh.

She hummed. "But I suspect you make it home, once a month." She lowered her voice. He looked to her in confusion.


"You see, Ray, my brother and I have been looking everywhere for you," Juliette explained. "We started in Florida. Pensacola. We might a young lad there who you worked with before you moved to Memphis. He directed us to two pretty young ladies, almost as pretty as myself, and they led us here. To you."

Ray scoffed. "Who the are you?" He questioned.

She smirked. "I'm Juliette Mikaelson, a pleasure, I'm sure."

The minute he heard the name, his hand ripped away from her thigh and he tried to run, but was stopped by Klaus behind him.

"Not so fast mate," He muttered in Ray's ear. "You only just got here. Now, your type are very hard to come by."

He turned around again but was stopped by Stefan. "I wouldn't do that." The ripper told him.

"Vampires." Ray realised as they surrounded him.

"Swift-swift, Ray. Yes, my friend here is a vampire," Klaus motioned to Stefan. "He's compelled everyone in this bar. So don't look to any of them for help. My sister and I, however, are something else. A different kind of monster."

Juliette cleared her throat. "We've got some vampire, and some werewolf," She spoke.

"You what?" He glanced between the two.

"A hybrid, Ray, we're both." Juliette said.

"You see," Klaus continued. "I want to create more of me. Now you being the first werewolf I've come across in many a moon—Pun intended, Ray, heh.—We need you to direct us to your pack. So, where can we find them Ray?"

Ray shook his head. "You can't compel me, it won't work."

Stefan, Juliette and Klaus looked at each other. "Can I get a scotch on the rocks please?" Stefan asked the bartender. "Ahem. Tell you what, Ray. We're gonna play a little drinking game. Something I like to call truth or wolfsbane."

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