Chapter 3

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Narrator pov

The team ventured deep into the cave that keeps getting darker and darker...

Joy used her bug ball to summon the lightning bugs, the lightning bugs shine threw the whole cave until they reached a door that is made out of ice.

"Cool as ice..." Hawk said walking up to the massive ice door

The ice door opened and the team walked in.

"Brrrr it's so colddd" Joy said shivering

"It's not that cold guys" Hawk said

"Hawk, you're a Snow White and you're used to it by now!" Travis said also shivering

The pompoms (they are actually with the team sorry forgot to mention ️😅) warned the team to NOT go farther.

"Pompoms? What's wrong?" Hawk asked picking on pompom up

The pompom that Hawk was holding keeps telling him that do NOT go farther.

"Why can't-"

Hawk was cutted off by a pompom that was all formed into ice.

"A trap!" Joy said

"Astoria, you know what to do" Travis said

Astoria walked up to the pompom and started warming it up.

"I'll go check what's wrong" Hawk said

"Me too" Lingling said

"Are you sure Lingling? You don't have a shield to protect you when you're about to get hit..." Travis said worriedly

"Don't worry Travis, I don't need a shield and besides I love challenges" Lingling said

"C'mon Lingling" Hawk said

Lingling nodded and they went to check it out. Hawk used his mirror shield to protect himself while Lingling avoids the blasts, the two went back to the team.

"It looks like a dispenser" Lingling said

"Let's wait for it to ran out" Astoria said

They waited and waited until Hawk heard a familiar voice in his head.

"Hawk it's me Rose, I figured out how this necklace works and I will help you guys" Rose said

"Go right and left then left again" Rose said

"Rose? What do you mean by that?" Hawk asked

"Hawk? What's wrong?" Astoria asked

"Rose is communicating with me threw minds" Hawk said

"She's saying about right, left and left again?" Hawk asked curiously

The pompoms started to point at what looks like some floor traps.

"Should we step on it?" Joy asked still shivering

"There's only one way to find out" Astoria said

Astoria hopped on the right side of the floor trap and then Hawk followed by hopping on the left side and the pompoms hopped on the left side.

The dispenser stopped shooting and they can pass thru.

"Hawk, be careful because the next room are full of flowers" Rose said

"That doesn't sound so bad" Hawl said

They opened the massive ivy door and saw that there are a lot of poisonous flowers and creepy crawling ivies from the ceiling.

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