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Jason Todd was scouting out Blüdhaven up and down every street, every alleyway, very crook and cranny, every rooftop, anywhere and everywhere.

It had been a year. A long and painful year since he lost his mate. He was told he had been shot in the head but had survived and disappeared shortly after waking up, and since then no one has seen or heard from him.

Although the rest of the Bats have slowly given up on finding their bird, Jason refused to. Dick was out there somewhere, and Jason swore he would never stop searching for him. He loved his silly stubborn omega. His omega who had brought so much joy and light and hope into his life. Who had pieced him back together and find himself after coming back to life and staying with the Demon Head.

Deep in his thoughts, Jason didn't see someone walking by and accidentally rammed into their side.


Jason knew that voice. He knew it from anywhere. There was no mistaking it.

It was Richard "Dick" John Grayson.

Quickly spinning around, he came face to face with an enraged omega. His omega.

So many emotions washed over Jason in a span of seconds. Relief, joy, confusion, and anger. His go to emotion when he didn't understand or was uncomfortable with a situation.

Before Jason could catch up with his brain, he reached out and snatched Dicks arm tightly and began to yell. "Where the hell have you been, Richard?! I've been searching all over for you for so long, and you're here completely fine and alive? Why haven't you said anything or come back to the manor! Why haven't you come back home! To our home!" Jason didn't even realize he had tightened his grip on Dicks arm painfully and near the point of breaking it.

Dick growled and ripped his arm out of his hold "how DARE you! You ran into me and my pup, don't bother with apologizing or give any form of concern for him, and have the audacity to yell at me? Who do you think you are!" He snarled. Jason became furious. "What are you going on about! Who am I? I'm your mate of five years! You're my mate who disappeared without saying a word to anyone! Now quit it, jackass!"

Blue eyes glared daggers into Jason's soul as Dick stopped growling and stepped back. "You're one of them, aren't you. You just won't give up. I'm not who I used to be. I'm not this perfect omega from your pack. I'm not Dick Grayson. Whoever he was, he is gone. I've told you before, my name is Ric Lloyd. So back off already and leave me and my pup alone!"

Jason reeled back and took a look at Dick. Truly looked at him. His hair was short, shorter than he'd ever seen on Grayson. He wore looser plain clothing with no color. His eyes no longer held the bright and playful gleam they had for as long as Jason has known him. He was angry, a feature he had rarely ever seen on Dick. He didn't like it. It didn't suit him. Out of the two of them, Jason was the angry one while Dick was the joyful and obnoxious one.

But what took him aback the most was the sling around his neck and back that held a tiny pup. A pup so small and innocent. A pup who had bright green eyes and a full head of raven hair and a chubby face. He sucked on his binky and just stared at Jason curiously. Jason's breath was stolen away as he stared at the beautiful and innocent small pup. 

Dick scoffed and pulled his pup to his chest and glared at Jason that rivaled the Batman's.

"Stay away from me, and stay the hell away from my pup. If I ever see you near him, I'll kill you. If you ever come near me, I'll cut you're knot off."

With that, Dick stormed off, leaving Jason with a blank mind.

He finally found his mate. His mate who he had been searching for for over a year. His mate who had stolen his heart away when he was fourteen. The one who he had planned to propose to.

And he didn't even remember him.

October 27th, 2022
Comment: thank you for reading! If you see any mistakes, let me know! Also, the name Lloyd I used for Rics last name was his mothers maiden name (Mary).
Credit: single parent Ric Au belongs to Cherrymiko-art as well as the cover art. Check them out on Tumblr!! https://at.tumblr.com/cherrymiko-art/cv5qa2ejopgm

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