"Why is he so bloody intense?" You breathe out. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I mained him for half a year but the game doesn't give us much right? I'm assuming they can't because they don't know anything, but damn." You huff out, running fingers through your hair.

"Xiao's not a bad person, he's just not..."

"Used to people?" You finish Aether's sentence, earning a smile from the optimistic blonde.

"I suppose we can go with that analyzing." He agrees.

"Oh shit!" You gasp, a realization dawning on you. "I literally have no idea how to make almond tofu!"

Aether blinks at you before chuckling. You're embarrassment comes back with a vengeance as Paimon rolls her eyes. The blonde pushes himself up and holds a hand out towards you. You take it easily, letting Aether pull you to your feet before you dust off your clothing.

"I'll teach you. Let's head to the Wangshuu Inn."

You blinked at Aether, the cogs in your head running on overtime.

"You want me to practice making Xiao dessert where Xiao lives? You're setting me up to be ridiculed." You pout while the blonde chuckles.

"You and I both know that Xiao isn't that type of person." Aether says as you fall into step beside him. "And besides, you're assuming that he has nothing better to do than keep an eye on you."

"Hey, I can't control what other people want to watch." You throw your hands up in mock surrender, earning an amused look from your traveling companion.

"Paimon thinks you're being a little conceited." The pixie divulges.

"Well, maybe Paimon should keep her opinions to herself." You replied, fixing her with a weak glare.



Your euphoria doesn't surprise anyone. The chefs are used to your noises of either contempt or distress. Plus, having Aether with you means you have free rein of the kitchen. It was something else to be close to Teyvat's hero. You couldn't have chosen a better partner to show you the world.

"Aether! This is the one!" You bound over, shoving a plate into the blonde's face.

His smile is a little uncertain, though you don't blame him. The sun has both risen and fallen at this point. Sleep, who is she? Either way, you had a feeling about this one. Paimon had said it tasted good, which was an evolution from "tastes alright I guess..." and you'll take it! The traveler before you takes the spoon and scoops a bit of the sweet before bringing said spoon to his lips. You wait in baited breath as Aether scrutinizes your work. You have this uncanny feeling of being on one of those Master Chef series. You would have been called an idiot sandwich far too many times by now.

"It's good." The blonde divulges with an easy smile, watching as you practically melt with relief. "Xiao will love it." He then adds, causing your heart to skip a beat without your permission.

Right. You actually needed to present this to Xiao. Like actually hand it to him. As in give it to him as a thank you gift. For saving your life. Given that he was annoyed with you for calling out to him.

"What if he thinks it's awful?..." You murmur in a moment of weakness.

Aether smiles warmly at you, lifting his hand to ruffle your locks.

"You worry too much." He divulges, earning a pout from you. "You remind me of the first time I met him. It was kinda nerve wracking calling out to him. And he was kinda... cranky when I first met him too. Just give him some time to warm up to you. I promise he's not that bad... just, uh, prickly."

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