Part 29

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Hey Guys! I'm so excited to share with you the new tiers that I've put together on both Kofi and Patreon! I've created two tiers for a penpal experience with your favorite character! You would receive 4 letters a week that are personalized and sent weekly! Also, with my new Kofi account, you guys can actually show me some love for $1 a month. Patreon caps me at a $3 USD must have as the lowest amount whereas on Kofi you can make one time donations or subscribe to me for a dollar (CAD) a month! Please do me the pleasure of visiting either of these websites to show me some love so that I can keep writing the stories you love and maybe one day do it instead of being treated like ass at a register!

Thanks guys <3


Chapter 29:

Xiao knows he can't teleport himself to somewhere he's never been before. He logically knows that he wouldn't be able to go long distances without resting either. That, and she needs to have food and water to maintain what little health she has at the moment. He takes more breaks than he probably should. He does what he can to get her to eat and drink. He's not proud of the methods... but he tries to remind himself that there's still color to her cheeks because of his endeavors.

On his third day of traveling, he sets her down gently, eyes peeled to the area around him. With new lands, comes new species. Xiao still stumbles upon hilichurl camps and slimes, but he also comes face to face with weird, mushroom like foes. He's dispatched them easily, but his head throbs. He finds himself pausing to just... breathe... more often than not. He misses her voice, and the way she could silence the voices in his head. He misses the way she would keep him occupied with her silly question game.

He mustn't be paying attention to his surroundings all too well, because before he knows it, he can hear a voice calling out to him.

"Um... Mister? Are you ok?"

Even though it's timid, the yaksha still finds himself stepping back towards her. Though he isn't verse in human interactions, he has been privy to prayers that have begged to ward off the most twisted of intentions. He doesn't want to be violent, but his contract stands in Liyue and holds no value in these parts. He will do what he must to keep her safe, his karma be damned.

The girl before him waves her arms in front of her frantically at the sight of his polearm appearing in his fingers. Her pale, green curls sway in the air, lively with her fear.

"No, no! I'm not going to hurt you." She gets out quickly, showing both her palms to him as if to prove that she had no weapon brandished.

Xiao's lived many years and knows that not all is what it seems. And yet... The wheezed breath behind him begs he accept her help. Begs that he takes the help being offered... He's fearful that she will die on his watch alone.

"Is... Is she ok?"

Xiao isn't quite sure how to answer her question, but he can still feel the fear coming from the young girl before him. Either she is very scared, or a good actress. He's willing to bet on the prior, and vanishes his blade. Her shoulders seem to slump, the relief immediate at the dispelling of his weapon. He doesn't have the heart to tell her that what with the headaches he's currently facing, a blade is the least of her worries. Those were thoughts for another time.

"Can you... hear me?"

Gentle, violet eyes seem fixated on him, worry swimming through them. The Yaksha clenches his hands at his sides. He wishes Aether were here... to help him voice his concerns. To help him reach for the help that's standing before him... he should be fine, merely talking to this girl. There is no malice coming from her... and if she could help the outlander, then this conversation would be worth his weight in Mora... If he could just get the words out.

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