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Jess's POV

5 years earlier.

Today is the day. Today is the day I'm meeting Billie Eilish. Like the Billie Eilish. Your probably thinking oh your going to her concert. Nope. I actually found Billie through a dating app and we started talking. I didn't know about her when I started talking to her and then she mentioned how she's coming to my town on tour. So obviously what I did was look her up and found her EP and let me tell you I fell in love with it.

Its been a solid month or so since we started talking and today we are meeting up an hour before the concert and she's giving me FREE tickets. So right now lets just say I am making an effort for the nice gesture. I would have made an effort anyway but not as much as right now.

After changing and getting my bag ready I get a text from Billie saying she's here. I look out of the window and see a black SUV parked outside my car and someone in baggy clothing walking up to my door and knocking on it.

"Hey" I say as I walk out the door and locked it behind me.

"Hii I just wanted to say that you look stunning" she said bringing me into a hug hiding the fact that I'm blushing.

We walked up to the SUV to see a woman in sunglasses driving.

"Sorry my mom wouldn't let me leave the house without security I told her I was going shopping. She didn't even want me to go with security but I managed to persuade her" Billie apologised looking back and forth from the security woman to me almost anxious about what I was going to say.

"Honestly its okay Billie I would rather a security member with us if it means your safe that all that matters" I assure her as I buckle my seatbelt.

With that the woman wearing a security shirt, I would say in her late 40s early 50s, turned around with an enormous smile on her face.

"Awwwe Bil you have got a good one here" she said while holding mine and Billie's hand. I am confused but I guess my face showed it.

"You look so confused right now. Jess This is Maggie my mom and mom this is Jess"

"Nice to meet you Mrs O'Connell" I say shaking her hand.

"Call me Maggie lovely, Mrs O'Connell makes me sound old" she replies giggling.

With that Maggie turned around in her seat and started driving to the secret location that Billie wont tell me about. No matter how many times I ask about where we are going I get the same response.

"Don't worry about it mamas. You'll see soon"

After about 10 minutes of driving we pull up to a Taco bell and Billie has a humongous smile on her face but saw the my expression wasn't as happy.

"We don't have to go here if you have some where else you want to go to" she smiled but not as much as before.

"No its okay Bil I like Taco Bell and it makes you happy soooooooo"

As soon as the words left my mouth she pulled me into the best hug she could do in the car and kissed my cheek before running out of the car to join her mum leaving me in shock.


I'm currently in the arena waiting for Billie to come on the stage. So many people around me are screaming and I actually made a friend with one of the girls in the audience. Sophia. And before you say no she isn't around me because Billie was early I just made conversation and we clicked. No one actually knows that me and Billie met up like 5 hours ago and I would prefer to keep it that way.

Me and Sophia were talking about random conversations like what we like and what type of music we listen to. You know conversation starters to build a friendship when all of a sudden Billie walked onto the stage and everyone started screaming.

Luckily I am right in the middle of the front row so I was easy to spot and surely she did straight away.

"Washington how are we all doinggggggg" She screamed into the mic and that was the start of the show.

"and if you want a good girl then goodbye" she sang into the mic finishing the song and got down interacting with the audience holding their hands and talking to them occasionally bringing them in for a hug. Then she got to me. I thought she was going to miss over me to not cause confusion but if anything she did the opposite and Me the idiot I am decided to act like a screaming fan.

"Hey mamas" she smirked at me holding my hands.

"Ahhhh OMG hi Billie" I say almost cringing externally but I luckily managed to hide it.

she smiled at me and understand what was happening. "how did you like the show" she asked and I praised her so much which I know she's going to be bullying me about it when we talk next.

She pulls me into a hug and whispers into my ear "I like when you praise me baby. Meet me at the back of the building in half an hour "she pulls away leaving me in shock.

As she moves down the the audience Soph comes up to me surprised seeing what she just witnessed.

"Did you see the way she looked at you I would have melted on the spot" She said yelling over everyone else.

"y-yea that was umm. t-that was amazing" I say still not over the whole incident. "She was so caring as well when s-she hugged me she told me to look after myself when I get out of here" I lie knowing she saw Billie whisper something in my ear but I couldn't tell her the truth.

Billie left not long after and everyone is slowly leaving the arena. Before separating me and Soph swapped numbers and socials. Now I'm all alone and have to figure how to get to the back of the building without causing concern or suspiciousness.

Walking through all the screaming fans I sneak through the gate leading me to the black SUV from earlier. As soon as I was in view Billie came running up to me bringing me into a bear hug.

"OMG ITS BILLIE. SHES BY THERE" someone yelled drawing everyone's attention meaning most people saw us hug. Knowing this Billie wouldn't let me out of her grip until she knew I was safe. She pulled me into the car making sure they couldn't see my face and jogged over to the gate to tell them that she had to go but she sorry she couldn't talk with them.

As she got in the car she put her seatbelt on and we drove closer to the gate. I felt her hand on my head pushing it down so it is currently resting on her lap.

Winding down the window a little she yelled out to everyone that was around the car "I LOVE YOU ALL TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF ALRIGHT YOU MEAN SO MUCH TO ME" with that she rolls the window back up and allowed my head to go back up once we are out of view. But let me tell you it was so relaxing lying on Billies lap with her hand playing in my hair I wouldnt mind staying down there.

"Stay over my house tonight" She said but more like a question.

"guess I'm staying over your house tonight then" I chuckle realising how lucky I am.

- 1234 words

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