O Holy Night - Lilith/Siren

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7. Comfort Item


On the shores of an unknown beach, it was often said that a succubus and a mermaid from their respective colonies would come together and begin singing a duet. Nobody has attended their 'concert' as an audience, but the wind carried the sounds of a devilish voice accompanied by a guitar.

The succubus lowered her microphone when the song was over, letting out a tired huff. "That was a good song!" she declared. "Let's play another!"

"Ehehe... You never get tired, do you?" the mermaid giggled, balancing on her pelvic fins as she held her blue guitar. "Alright, let's play another song. What should we play?"

The succubus thought for a moment, swaying on her heels as she pondered. "Let's sing the first song we sang the last time we met!" she decided. "Or, or! We could give each other a makeover this time!" 

The mermaid looked at her with confused eyes. "A makeover? But we don't have any makeup, and it would be useless for me since I live in water..." she explained.

"Pfft, I meant we can do each other's hair, silly! I know how bad makeup and water are!" the succubus giggled. Your hair is in a ponytail and mine's not! Let's switch hairstyles!"

The mermaid agreed and let her purple hair down, and with the same hair tie and hairpin, she pulled her succubus friend's blonde hair into a ponytail. The succubus admired how she looked as she used magic to conjure a mirror, and the mermaid smiled at their appearances.

"We really do look pretty like this, huh?" the siren rhetorically asked, and both girls giggled as they looked in the mirror.


Siren sighed as she recalled those memories. Since then, they had both evolved into more powerful beings and had taken different roles, so they saw each other less. On the day that Siren had evolved from a mere mermaid, her beloved guitar had been broken while fending off a group of red ogres.

Over the course of her getting stronger, she had taken up the violin and the harp, but nothing felt as right as playing a guitar. Soon enough, Neptune had taken her in to be his songstress, and she conducted orchestras and allowed herself to be enveloped in the melody.

In contrast to her role, her succubus friend had evolved too and took the name 'Lilith,' becoming a half-crazed witch of the night and commanding dark spells. Despite how powerful she grew to become, she didn't cause as much trouble as people would think for her role.

They had both been invited to a Christmas party at the sanctuary with her other childhood friends, those friends all being healers like her and Lilith, and they had begun to have fun with other monsters like them. Siren led people in karaoke, and she watched from across the room as Lilith conjured up gifts to littler monsters.

Siren glanced over at the clock from where she sat in a open-top water tank, and saw that it was nearly three in the morning. People were starting to file out of the part of Christmas Eve, and she could easily guess that they were hoping for Santa to deliver their presents while they slept. She hoped that nobody would have to see his demonic reindeer though.

As she considered making that candle knight go find her lord, Neptune, to take her out of the tank and bring her home, she noticed a pair of footsteps approaching. She turned that direction and was surprised to see Lilith there, her hands behind her back.

"Hello, Siren. It's been a while since we last saw each other, hasn't it?" the witch cooed, her eyes full of the same lust and mischief that they had when they were younger.

"Oh, Lilith! I didn't think you'd come over here," Siren greeted with a warm smile. She noticed that the blonde's hands were behind her back and began to get curious. "Hm, why are you hiding your hands?"

"Weeeell, I simply brought you a little gift, that's all." Lilith took out a wrapped present from behind her back and handed it to Siren. "I hope you enjoy it, I saved it especially for you, my little songstress."

Siren took the gift from her hands as her face started to heat up with blush, and she unwrapped the present and took it out of its box. To her shock, it was a blue guitar to fit her size, similar to the one that she used to have as a mermaid.

"This is...!" she gasped as she began to smile. "Thank you! Thank you so much, Lilith!"

The blonde witch let out a small giggle at her excitement. "I suppose my gift seems to be very good, I only want the best for my endearing little songstress," she purred in a sultry voice.

Siren either didn't notice her tone or didn't care as she began to tune her guitar. "I missed playing the guitar so much, thank you, thank you, thank you!" she squealed giddily, doing a circle in her water tank.

Lilith put her hands on the tank and leaned closer with a small smile. "I still have my old microphone, how about I take you back to my place for a duet? Just like back then," she proposed.

Siren looked back at her, her eyes filled with happiness and merriment. "Yes, let's go!" she agreed, holding her guitar close to her. Lilith grinned wider and reached into the tank, pulling out Siren and holding her in a bridal carry.

Using an owl familiar to open the window for her, Lilith flew out of the sanctuary with Siren in her arms, her flight path clear as she began travelling back to her castle. The songstress in her arms didn't struggle, and she held onto the witch and cuddled up to her as they soared through the night air.


Art credit: GungHo Online Entertainment

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