Tunnel of Love - Yuki Maeda/Akane Taira

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4. Plushies


"Wow, Yuki! I didn't think that there was an amusement park this big here!" Akane exclaimed as they went through the gates after paying their entry fare. The maid was like an excited puppy on a leash as she looked around the park, holding onto Yuki's arm.

The lucky student chuckled as he watched her excitement with a smile. "I though you'd been to one before with Kiyoka, Kizuna, and Ayame though?" he asked.

"No, Kiyoka took us to an arcade. That was fun too, but not as fun as the fact that we're going on a date! Kyaaa!" Akane let out a happy squeal, her excitement endearing to the boy she had with her.

He smiled at her, happy that she was happy. "Um, where should we go first? There's plenty to do in this place," he pointed out. "How about we go on some rides here first? Those should be pretty fun."

"Yeah, let's do it!" Akane suddenly grabbed Yuki's wrist and began to drag him forward, and the lucky student just laughed while he attempted to keep up with her. In the end, the training that Ayame made him do was paying off after all.

The first place Akane brought him too was a huge rollercoaster. She looked excited to go on it, so Yuki swallowed his fear of heights and got in line with her. "This looks like a pretty fast ride," the lucky student remarked, pointing to the rollercoaster car zipping by.

"I've never been on one before, this is going to be so fun!" the maid told him as she watched the car speed by again.

Soon enough, the rollercoaster came to a stop and allowed new people to get on. Yuki and Akane happily sat beside each other, holding each other's hands after they were buckled in. After a few minutes of people getting on and buckling themselves in, the rollercoaster took off like a rocket.

Akane let out whoops of glee while Yuki half-screamed and half-laughed for the duration of the ride. The ride had drops, loops, twists and turns, heights, and even went upside down before it began to come to an end. Both students came off the rollercoaster extremely dizzy.

"Kehehehe! That was fun!" Akane giggled as Yuki looked like his soul had left his body. "We should go on another ride!"

"How about we...go somewhere we aren't going to lose our balances at?" Yuki suggested, and the maid was forced to agree when she realized how much her head was spinning. Taking her by the hand, Yuki began leading her to the games area.

It was like a carnival in the area, with so many booths and games to play. Akane eventually spotted a booth that took her interest, a ring toss game with several plushies hanging up as a display for prizes. "Let's go over there!" she suggested.

They went to the ring toss booth and payed for rings to share. When it was Akane's turn, she only managed to get two out of the five rings on the bottles. As for Yuki, he was able to get all five rings onto the bottles, which he guessed was because of his luck.

As a reward, he was allowed to choose one of the plushies as prizes. When he picked out a fluffy brown bear that could be held in someone's arms, he gave it to Akane. "Here, you can have this," he told her with a smile.

"Y-Yuki, are you serious?! I'm allowed to have this?!" the maid asked, her face flushed red as she looked at the bear in her arms. Without waiting for his answer, she lunged forward and enveloped him in a hug.

"I gave it to you, I wanted you to have it," Yuki happily replied as he wrapped her arms around her in turn. 

After they played some more games and won more prizes, they decided to get themselves some lunch. Because Akane hadn't had much classic fairground food as a maid, Yuki decided to get hot dogs for both of them. Yuki had ketchup and mustard on his, but Akane got cheese on hers.

"I told you they were delicious! There's lots of good food at an amusement park, even if it's not healthy," the lucky student explained to the cheerful maid, whose mouth was full. She looked down at his sweater and noticed that a bit of sauce had dripped on it, and she took a handkerchief out of her pocket to clean it up, to Yuki's embarrassment.

After their hotdogs were eaten, the two of them got some chocolate and vanilla milkshakes, which made Yuki concerned that his girlfriend was going to go on a sugar rush very soon. "Hey, how about we go on a slow ride while we let the food settle?" he offered. "There's the haunted house tour, the tunnel of love, the carousel..."

"Ooh, let's go through the tunnel of love!" Akane chirped, then took another sip of her milkshake. Yuki knew that he was going to regret buying those for them as he began to lead her to where the ride was supposed to be.

This amusement park's tunnel of love had swan boats that would take couples around a beautiful garden before going into a very dark tunnel before the ride ended. Yuki had never been on it before, so he couldn't deny that he was excited to go on it with Akane. Once they finished their milkshakes, they waited for their turn in line.

Finally, they were loaded onto their swan boat as the ride set off. "Wow...the flowers are so beautiful, Yuki," Akane marvelled, looking around her. After a minute, she looked back at Yuki with a smile. "Thank you for bringing me here, this place is so much fun."

"I'm glad that you actually like it, I thought it'd be too ordinary," Yuki admitted, closing his eyes as he chuckled. When he opened them again, he was surprised to see that Akane had moved in front of him, almost on his lap. "A-Akane? You should probably sit down..."

The maid smiled and straddled his legs, wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning against him. "Looks like that tunnel's coming up," she pointed out, her face growing hot with blush. 

Yuki shyly smiled in return, gently putting a hand on her hip as she pressed her body closer.


Art credit: DRanotherkm on twitter

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