The Lakes of Naboo

Start from the beginning

Padmé waited for the thunder to stop before glancing over her wings at Anakin. "You read the weather reports," Padmé snarled, another flash of lightning eliminating the sky.

Anakin stared at Padmé in shock.

Padmé frowned as Anakin went silent. Looking over her wing, she saw that he was staring at her with a slack jaw. "What is wrong?" She sighed.

"Are you– Are you ok?"

"I'm soaking wet in a storm; of course, I'm not ok," Padmé said, focusing back on flying across the lake fast.

"You just got struck by lightning," Anakin said, "it hit you dead on."

"I doubt it," Padmé said, speeding up.

Anakin watched as his wife sped off too fast for him to catch up. "Padmé, slow down!"

Padmé looked over her shoulder when she heard Anakin shout, shocked that she was a greater distance away from him even though he looked to be flying as fast as he could.

"You are so much quicker," Anakin panted once he caught up, "that lightning gave you a boost or something."

"I didn't get struck by lightning," Padmé said, the sky brightening and a crash echoing straight after.

"You just got struck again!"

"Then how am I still flying?" Padmé snapped, the air crashing threateningly around them.

"Just look at yourself," Anakin said, "look at your wings!"

Padmé sighed; they didn't have time for Anakin's games. But she humoured him and looked. "What the kriff?!" She exclaimed, watching as electricity danced up her scales, almost creating armour around her.

"You're environment must be storms or something!" Anakin grinned, "which is why the lightning isn't affecting you!"

"We can discuss this indoors," Padmé said, "it might not affect me, but it will affect you."

Anakin nodded, "you're right; let's head back quickly."

"I thought we were meant to be doing that already," Padmé huffed, starting to fly off again.

"But then you got struck by lightning multiple times," Anakin defended, speeding up to keep level.


Anakin and Padmé both pulled out of their landing quickly when they noticed the orange dragon of Ahsoka playing in the mud.

Landing, Anakin was startled when Rex suddenly jumped away from him.

"Sir!" Rex shouted, jumping away as his General nearly crushed him.

Anakin stared at the rough location he thought the brown dragon was, "sorry, Rex, I didn't see you."

"Skyguy, what are you doing out so late?" Ahsoka asked, running up to him and nearly tripping over Rex lying on the ground.

Padmé landed, keeping her wings close as she looked down at where the two small dragons had begun to pounce on each other again. "I could ask the same of you."

Rex and Ahsoka paused, looking up at both of the more giant dragons.
"Cody thought the mud might be good for our recovery!" Ahsoka chirped.

"He mentioned the environments our dragon form is best in," Rex said, nodding as he kicked Ahsoka off.

Ahsoka squealed as she landed in the muddle puddle instead of the muddy grass. "We even have Kix's permission!"

"Sir, you look like something is on your mind," Rex said, looking up at Anakin before grunting as Ahsoka dragged him into the puddle as well.

Anakin stared down at his padawan and Captain as they wrestled each other in the mud, "one, how did you get permission to play fight in the mud, in a storm, no less? Two, you are not allowed inside that dirty; three, I think Senator Amidala is immune to lightning."

"Am I not allowed to announce my own environment?" Padmé said, the storm clashing loudly and announcing its presence again.

"Of course you are," Anakin said, ducking his head slightly at the reprimand before glaring at the two smaller dragons, who burst into laughter.


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