"I noticed you hardly ate this morning, my lady." Natasha murmured as they descended the grand staircase that they had first glimpsed the prince upon the night before - or rather, where Katrina had been granted her second glimpse of him.

"We ate rather late last night." Kat waved aside the concerned comment of her friend, squeezing the arm hers was companionably linked through. She chose not to mention that her stomach was too knotted with anxiety to consider eating more than a few mouthfuls that morning. At least she had slept well, if for no other reason than the fact that sheer exhaustion had claimed her the second she laid her head on the downy pillows. Had they not spent the last few weeks traveling, she was sure her thoughts would have kept her awake long into the night.

"Are you looking forward to seeing the Prince again?"

Casting her friend a sideways glance as they ambled down a long corridor of polished marble, Katrina caught her lower lip between her teeth. "Considering the reason we are here, I suppose my answer ought to be yes?"

Her steps slowing, Natasha frowned at the words of her companion, "You found him displeasing, last night?"

"No- I..." Catching her stilted words as they passed a pair of guards stationed along the hallway, the Princess exhaled softly. "I don't know, Nat. He... I was tired, and confused, and..." She hadn't breathed a word of their first meeting, nor did she intend to. "He was perfectly charming, and gave me no true reason to dislike him-"

"Though he was late to meet you."

Biting back a small smile at the small critique, she nodded, "Save for erratic timekeeping, he seemed..." Shaking her head, once more she forced back any words that would betray the events of her ill-advised walk through the woods, swallowing back the doubts she had about the man who had so shamelessly sought to charm an unaccompanied, strange woman he found wandering his kingdom, on the very day he was to meet his betrothed.

"Perhaps you need time, Kat." Her friend counselled her softly, ensuring they were out of earshot of anyone who would hear the over-familiar name that she addressed her superior in rank by. "You barely had time to speak, not without being observed."

"Isn't that why I have you here? To observe me?" Kat reminded Natasha of her role with a fond smile. Custom dictated that until the day they were wed, she was not to be left unaccompanied with the Prince, or any man for that matter. Absently, Kat wondered if the over-eager young squire from the night before would also be there to accompany the Prince. She had seen Natasha intimidate bolder men with little more than a look, so watching their escorts may prove more entertaining than any conversation the Prince could offer.

"I will be most discreet, I assure you." Natasha hummed with an air of artificial innocence that had Kat stifling a small laugh behind her hand.

As the sound faded, she looked up at the sound of male voices conversing softly beyond the end of the corridor they walked upon, where a sharp corner fed their path out to the open walkway that the footman who had delivered the formal invitation from the Prince that morning had directed them to. He had done his utmost not to seem affronted by Kat's insistence that they could find it without accompaniment, but had said nothing. She was glad of her choice though, being able to converse freely with her friend had settled her nerves somewhat.

"Buck, settle yourself, you'll pace a trench in the floor if you don't."

"Good, bury me in it."

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