I Thought I Knew You

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     Dan got into the car before I did; a small pain sat in my chest; I couldn't get his words out of my head.

I hate you.

You were so annoying

I took in a shaky breath, silently begging the pain to be gone because it wasn't him.

He wouldn't say that.


     I dropped my bag by the front door as soon as I stepped inside, there was no doubt that tonight was going to be a "Bath and Wine" kind of night. Whiskers, my cat, sat on his perch, watching me as I enter the apartment.

     The apartment wasn't big, nor was it small; The living room area was decorated with some olden-day-looking paintings and relics, and the couch was old but comfortable. The color had worn off a long time ago but there wasn't much I could do about it other than buy a new couch, which was not something I had the money to do. The bedroom was small with a bed in the middle, a nightstand next to it, a small dresser with a TV, and of course my favorite room –due to its relaxing nature– jutting off of it; aka the bathroom. The kitchen was connected to the living room, and Whisker's perch was sat right next to the small wall that was used to separate the two rooms.

     I pet Whiskers as I pass him, only one thing on my mind; Time to open that expensive bottle of wine. As I reached the kitchen, I pull out the new bottle of red wine, which was quite expensive, but tonight was the night it was finally going to be opened. I pulled out a glass and slowly poured the red liquid into the glass, a small smile already starting to form on my lips. I set the glass down and walked over to my room, where my robe was hanging. I pulled it off and set it on my bed, now all I need to get is my favorite book and my bath started, then my night will be 100 times better. I walked back out to my living room and picked up the glass of wine, when suddenly, my phone rang, causing me to jump and spill the wine on my carpet. I groaned and picked up my phone, answering it without looking at the caller, I already knew it was Dan. "This better be more important than my carpet." I hissed out.

     "What happened to your carpet?... Actually never mind, I don't want to know." Rico's voice said.
     "Wait, Rico? Why are you calling me?" I looked at the name on my phone, which turned out to show Dan's name, I put the phone back to my ear, "And why are you on Dan's phone?"
     "I wanted to check on you, after all that happened today..." I could tell from his voice that he was chewing on a pen, he definitely was calling because Dan told him to.
     I sighed as I grab some paper towels to try to get up any of the stain that I can, "You ruined my carpet just to check on me? We both know I'm fine." I started working on the stain.
     My carpet, by no means, was nice, but a red wine stain looks like blood, and I'd rather not have people come to my house and think I murdered someone; Which would be Ironic. "I was trying to take a relaxing bath, can I call you back after?" Don't get me wrong, Rico is nice and all, but after a long day of work, Dan and Rico are the last people I want to talk to, especially if it's just to "check on me".
     "Oh, uhm, yeah. Sorry for bothering you." He hung up just as fast as he called. I sighed and stared at the wine stain, knowing how much of a pain that will be to get up off of the carpet. I sighed and put some stuff to help stains over it, a couple of paper towels, then some books over it to add some weight. I grabbed the glass of wine and topped it off again, luckily I didn't spill too much, but enough to be noticeable on the carpet. I picked up my favorite romance novel and walked into the bathroom, picking up the robe on the way there. I set the wine down on the ledge of the bathtub, and the book and robe on the closed toilet. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, and a sigh escaped my lips; I looked like a mess. My hair was frizzy and knotted, bags rested under my eyes, and the scar along the side of my neck seemed to glow and remind me that I'm not perfect, and never will be, which bothered me. I ran my finger along the scar, remembering what went down, and now it just seems like a distant nightmare, and not something that actually happened; Mostly because Raymond was right there next to me, not a million fake lives away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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